Sunday, September 15, 2019
Organizations and institutions Essay
Maintaining and preserving the environment has been one of the key issues that have been prevalent in the present time. Creating avenues for environmental sustainability has continuously been evident among states, organizations and institutions. The same applies for the marine ecology particularly the Giant Blue-Fin tuna. The continuous decline of its population has been alarming different sectors in the economy as well as different environmental NGOs. Thus, it created numerous efforts among different organizations and governments to protect the Giant Blue-Fin Tuna. By controlling the amount of Giant Blue-Fin Tuna captured daily, the population of such species can be saved and be prevented from extinction. The Giant Blue-Fin tuna is considered one of the most prized species in the marine kingdom. â€Å"Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758), aka bluefin tuna, horse mackerel, northern bluefin tuna is regarded as one of the most highly evolved fish species and one of the most prized fish in danger of over fishing. †(MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) A Giant Blue-Fin is characterized under the category of ‘tuna’ due to their unique composition. â€Å"Tuna, originating from the Greek word meaning â€Å"to rush,†usually swim at speeds of 1. 5-4 kts, can maintain 8 kts for some time, and can rarely break 20 kts for short periods. †(MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) The Blue-Fin tuna is classified under the Scombridae family and it is considered to be the largest specie under such classification. â€Å"It is one of the largest bony fishes and can reach lengths of up to 3 m, although they are more commonly found from . 5-2 m in length. Adult weights range from 136-680 kg, although the upper weight range is rare. †(MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) Its appearance can be described to be â€Å"dark blue to black near the dorsal surface and silvery near the ventral surface. †(MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) In addition, Giant Blue-Fin tuna lives from 15 – 30 years. Also, Giant Blue-Fin tunas are considered to be warm blooded fishes. â€Å"Atlantic bluefin are homeothermic (â€Å"warm-blooded†) and are therefore able to thermoregulate keeping their body temperatures higher than the surrounding water, which is why they are so well adapted to colder waters. †Locations The Giant Blue-Fin tuna are only located in certain places. â€Å"Bluefin are highly migratory and limited numbers of individuals may cross the Atlantic in as little as 60 days and are widely distributed throughout the Atlantic and can be found from Newfoundland all the way to the coast of Brazil. †(MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) In addition, â€Å"they range in the eastern Atlantic as far north as Norway and down to northern West Africa. Bluefin tagged in the Bahamas have been captured in Norway as well as off the coast of Brazil. Bluefin in the South Atlantic belong to a distinct southern population, with known spawning areas south of Java, Indonesia. †(MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) Current Problems In the course of time as development begins to step into the picture, certain negative and adverse have began to emanate from the process. The most affected sector in the development process is the environment. As humans continue to develop technologically the consequences of such improvements have been the environment and the ecosystem. With this, it can be argued that the marine ecosystem has also been suffering the same fate. Such occurrence does not spare the Giant Blue-Fin tuna as its population gradually and continuously declines over the years. It is widely known that the Giant Blue-fin tuna serves as an important source of food and income among the fishing industry. â€Å"Once, giant bluefin migrated by the millions throughout the Atlantic Basin and the Mediterranean Sea, their flesh so important to the people of the ancient world that they painted the tuna’s likeness on cave walls and minted its image on coins. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) The Giant Blue-fin tuna are regarded by many to be a source of delicious food particularly in the making of sushi. â€Å"The giant, or Atlantic, bluefin possesses another extraordinary attribute, one that may prove to be its undoing: Its buttery belly meat, liberally layered with fat, is considered the finest sushi in the world. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) Too much hunting With the huge demand for its meat, the Giant Blue-fin tuna has been a victim of excessive hunting by different fishermen and institutions. â€Å"Over the past decade, a high-tech armada, often guided by spotter planes, has pursued giant bluefin from one end of the Mediterranean to the other, annually netting tens of thousands of the fish, many of them illegally. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) In addition, with the application of the technological advantages in fisheries, the decline of Giant Blue-fin tuna rose exaggeratedly. â€Å"The decimation of giant bluefin is emblematic of everything wrong with global fisheries today: the vastly increased killing power of new fishing technology, the shadowy network of international companies making huge profits from the trade, negligent fisheries management and enforcement, and consumers’ indifference to the fate of the fish they choose to buy. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) Enforcement or Request There had been different efforts by states as well as international organizations in addressing these issues. Fishing of Giant Blue-fin can never be banned due to the relative demand of consumers for their meat. Thus, organizations and states arranged quotas for local and international fishermen on how much each should fish. However, these quotas are oftentimes neglected or not followed. â€Å"The group charged with managing bluefin tuna stocks, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT), has acknowledged that the fleet has been violating quotas egregiously. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 2) In addition, recognizing the constant decline of Giant Blue-Fin tuna in the ocean, ICCAT has requested different states and companies to reduce their quotas to allow these species to populate and multiply, however, these organizations and states declined. â€Å"But despite strong warnings from its own biologists, ICCATâ€â€with 43 member statesâ€â€refused to reduce quotas significantly last November, over the objections of delegations from the U. S. , Canada, and a handful of other nations. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 2) It has been predicted that if this type of fishing continues, then such industry would collapse and the Giant Blue-fin can become extinct. â€Å". Scientists estimate that if fishing continues at current levels, stocks are bound to collapse. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 2) What can be done There are different mechanisms that environmentalist and the government have tried to enforce to prevent the continuous over fishing of these species. However, little compliance can be seen in the process due to the high demand posed by the Giant Blue-Fin tuna especially in the world market. Thus, it is necessary for states and groups to enhance the level of monitoring and implementation of rules and legislation. In addition, stricter measures must be enforced to facilitate a better future for these creatures. Effective Management Effective management can be a solution to the long and impeding problem of over fishing in the ocean for Giant Blue-Fin tuna. â€Å"Experts agree that, first, the world’s oceans must be managed as ecosystems, not simply as larders from which the fishing industry can extract protein at will. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) By creating effective and efficient management mechanisms can help enhance the efforts in improving the overall status of Giant Blue-Fin tuna. â€Å"Second, the management councils that oversee fisheries, such as ICCAT, long dominated by commercial fishing interests, must share power with scientists and conservationists. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Cutting Fishing Vessels The constant decline of Giant Blue-Fin tuna are due to numerous fishermen who catches them. One possible scenario that legislators and organizations can do is limiting the number of allowed fishermen and industries who will engage in such actions. By doing so, it can help the population of the Giant Blue-Fin tuna to increase. â€Å"Further, governments must cut back the world’s four million fishing vesselsâ€â€nearly double what is needed to fish the ocean sustainablyâ€â€and slash the estimated 25 billion dollars in government subsidies bestowed annually on the fishing industry. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Setting quotas and marine sanctuaries By creating quotas, Giant Blue-Fin tuna population can be maintained and can provide an avenue for an increase in population. â€Å"For giant bluefin in the Mediterranean, that may mean shutting down the fishery during the spawning season and substantially increasing the minimum catch weight. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) But with this situation comes with effective and efficient inspection and enforcement among the state, agency and organization in-charge of the process. Also, by creating marine sanctuaries in the area, Giant Blue-Fin tuna can survive the excessive amount of fishing by fishermen in a certain area. Marine sanctuaries seek to protect the overall area where Giant Blue-Fin tuna are situated. This means that they cannot be caught. â€Å"Another crucial step, both in the Mediterranean and around the world, would be the creation of large marine protected areas. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Campaigning for change can also help in the process of conservation and sustainability. â€Å"Also important are campaigns by such groups as the Marine Stewardship Council, which is working with consumers as well as retail giants to promote trade in sustainably caught fish. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Conclusion The Giant Blue-Fin tuna is characterized to be an important part of the overall marine ecosystem. Taking them out in the overall system can create disparities and consequences in the marine ecosystem. Thus, the continuous decline of Giant Blue-Fin tuna must be addressed to sustain the continuous demand of people in the future. By creating efficient and effective monitoring mechanisms as well as legislation, the lives of Giant Blue-Fin tuna shall be sustained. It is our responsibility to continue addressing this for it shall be the future generations that will suffer if actions shall not be put into place and changes to occur in near time. References MarineBio. org (2007) Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Retrieved November 28, 2007 from http://marinebio. org/species. asp? id=236 Montaigne, F. (2007) ‘Still Waters: The Global Fish Crisis’ in National Geographic: Interactive Edition. Retrieved November 28, 2007 from h http://www7. nationalgeographic. com/ngm/0704/feature1/index. html
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