Saturday, August 31, 2019
China Global Imbalances, Reserve Currency and Global Economic
Global imbalances, Reserve currency, and Global economic governance The accepted hypotheses for the root cause of global economic imbalances are: 1)East Asian economies’ export-led growth: recently the integration with international markets leads to an import and export expansion making the trade surpluses in EA dramatically increase. It had a great success in EA producing higher living standards and poverty rates declining. This cannot be the main cause for the emergence of large global imbalances in 2000 and thereafter since before 2000 EA economies’ TB were roughly balances. )Self-insurance motivation for foreign currency reserve accumulation: after the financial crises in the late 1990s, emerging market economies in EA increased their CA surpluses substantially, and they experienced rising international reserves. After 2005 Chinese surpluses and reserves are too large to be justified by the self-insurance motivation. 3)China’s exchange rate policy: the g. i. started to grow in 2002 and China has been accused of causing the imbalance sustaining a large undervaluation of its real exchange rate since 2003, but it is not true because: †¢China trade surplus did not become large until 2005 RMB appreciated against US$ by 20% in 2005-2008 but the global imbalances continued to grow †¢Most other developing countries also increased their CA surpluses in the same period (if exchange rate was the cause, the other countries that compete with China would have experience declining trade surpluses and reserves) >The need for an alternative hypothesis: these hypotheses imply that the EA economies are driving the g. i. but is not consistent with the basic statistics.While the US trade deficits with China did increase substantially, the share of the US trade deficit due to EA economies as a region actually declined significantly. The three hypotheses surely contributed but they cannot be the main cause of the global imbalances. >An alternative h ypothesis consistent with the data: it views the g. i. as a result of the status of the US $ as the major global reserve currency, combined with: †¢The lack of appropriate financial sector regulation due to deregulation in the 1980s. The federal reserve’s low interest rate policy following the burst of the â€Å"dotcom†bubble in 2001. These policy changes led to excessive risk-taking and higher leverage, producing excess liquidity and â€Å"bubbles†in the US markets, which enabled the US overconsumption that increased the US CA deficit. As China had become the major producer of labor-intensive processed consumer goods by 2000, the US ran a large deficit with China, which ran trade deficits with the EA economies that provided intermediate products to China.The excess liquidity also led to the large outflow of capital to developing countries, which enhance their investment and consequently in large trade surpluses in capital-goods exporting countries and na tural resources exporting countries. Since the US is the reserve currency issuing country, the foreign reserves accumulated through trade/capital account surpluses in other countries would return to the US leading to the US CA surplus. >Why did China stand out in the global imbalances? : the large CA surplus in China reflects high domestic savings.There are several commonly accepted hypotheses about China’s high households saving rate: such as the lack of well-developed social safety net and the demographics of an aging population. But the uniqueness of China’s savings is the large share of corporate savings, which are driven by the excessive concentration of the financial system that serves the big firms, low taxation on natural resources, and monopolies in some sectors. Reforms are required for removing these distortions and increasing consumption. The role of the reserve currency in global imbalances: the status of the $ as the major global reserve currency, combine d with the financial deregulation of the 1980s and the low interest rate policy of the 2000s, led to the emergence of global imbalances. To prevent their recurrence, the ultimate solution is to replace national currencies as global reserve currencies with a new global currency, but US is unlikely to give up its reserve-issuing privilege to a global body (IMF).A more likely scenario is the emergence of a basket of reserve currencies with some changes in the basket’s consumption and weights. >A win-win solution for the global recovery: the most urgent challenges are high unemployment and the large excess capacity in high-income industrialized countries. Win-win solutions for the global recovery and long-term growth could be based on new international financial arrangements along with structural reforms in both high-income and developing countries.On the financial front it could be created a global recovery fund (supported by hard-currency countries and large-reserve countries a nd managed by multilateral development banks) to finance investments to release bottlenecks and enhance productivity in developing countries. These investments would increase the demand for capital goods produced in high-income countries, reduce their unemployment now, and enhance the developing countries’ growth in the future. The fund could be complemented by structural reforms in high-income and developing countries to create space for investment and to improve the efficiency of investment.
Friday, August 30, 2019
How effectively the authors of your chosen texts explore
Parent/Child relationships are widely portrayed in the two novels, Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones and Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon. The authors both explore and portray the relationships between the main characters and a parental role differently in relation to the other despite them both being from opposite sides of the world, as well as the story being set in different time periods. In Mister Pip, its Matilda a young black girl from the island of Papua New Guinea with her mother Dolores and in The Curious Incident.. ts Christopher, a young boy with Aspergers Syndrome from Swindon along with father Ed Boone. The children on the island in Mister Pip are made to look inferior to the adults earlier on in the novel. Despite being a norm or value, the children in Mister Pip are made to abide all the rules that are set by the adults which often makes them feel less important than the adults. This is established early in the first few pages of the novel â€Å"We weren't worthy of that. It was as if we didn't exist†(page 3). Although its the norm in most cultures and societies that the children are raised to respect the elder peers, follow the rules set by them and inherit their general knowlegde, its seems that both the children and their parents are intellectually equal despite the difference in age and observation. â€Å"When our ancestors saw the first whit guy they thought they were looking at ghosts.. †(Page 5) This shows the intellectual relationship between the children and their parents who mainly base their knowledge of what they've observed forcing the children to believe it word for word. However, Christopher in the Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night Time, does not consider the adults superior in the novel when he is being shouted at by Mrs Shears for being on her lawn and holding the corpse of the dog Wellington he just ignored her. â€Å"The policeman took hold of my arm and lifted me onto my feet. I didn't like him touching me like this. And this is where I hit him. †(Page 9). Christopher lashes out in the way he believed to be right rather than the way he was aised to deal with these types of situations which suggests that besides his syndrome, there have been a lack of trust between Christopher and his dad during his upbringing that Christopher felt he didn't have to stick by the rules enforced: in this case, â€Å"you know its wrong to hit a policeman†(Page 22). In Mister Pip, the relationship between Matilda and her mother Dolores is very complicated, they come into conflict over the book â€Å"Great Expectations†when Matilda tries to tell her mum Dolores about how much she enjoyed the book. Lloyd Jones portrays Dolores as a strict Christian who is a very proud woman however is embarrassed to tell Matilda her daughter, of her age. So when Matilda tries to tell her mum about the book Dolores goes against the story by saying its immoral causing the two characters to drift further apart. â€Å"She must have anticipated this because she used her softer voice, the one she used the night before Great Expectations came between us†(Page 36) Matilda quotes as she realises anything regarding Great Expectations angers her mother. This then leads to conflict with Mr Watts, the teacher which Dolores shows a lack of respect by calling him Pop-Eye (the nickname the children had developed for Mr. Watts). The contention then begins to grow between Dolores and Mr. Watts when Dolores visits the school to preach about religious faith. As the conflict grows, it seems that Matilda is being forced into thinking two different ways of life. â€Å"The same space had come to exist between Mr. Watts and my mum. And I knew I would have to choose between the two†(Page 40) shows Lloyd Jones uses the intellectual conflict between the adults to highlight how this happens regular between parents which often impacts on the child and what they will be like growing up. On the other hand, in The Curious Incident†¦ Christopher's relationship with his father is jeopardised after he finds out that his father lied to him about his mothers death. Father said that he didn't know what kind of heart attack she had and now wasn't the moment to be asking questions like that†(Page 36) This particular event in the story changes the dynamics of the novel, tension and the relationship with his father as he wanted to know what had happened to his mother. The problem resulted to Christopher taking independence within his own life on his journey to London to find his mother, then becoming very close again in the latter part of the novel; While he realises the reality of life that his parents never allowed him to understand. Mark Haddon uses the syndrome of Christopher to emphasise how eager he is to be self reliant, this separates the characters because that's what Christopher tries to achieve although he is not in a self reliant position due to his condition and age. The Bond between Matilda and her real father can be described as non-existent throughout majority of the novel up until towards the end when he returns from the mines. Matilda considers Mr Watts as her main male figure for majority of the novel and even when her father does come back she continues to accept that Mr Watts (Pop-eye) is the â€Å"father†in her life. This was considered another reason why Mr watts and Dolores have a lot of conflict when it comes to Matilda. In Curious Incident, at first the bond between Christopher and his father is very strong. It is so strong you they had more than a family bond, they also had a good reliant friendship. In both the curious incident and mister pip the adults/ parental figures are secretive when it comes to telling the children in the two novels the truth about certain incidents. The children in Mister Pip are not told about what is going on in the war and are kept from finding out the truth, which gives the indication that just like in today's society the children are being protected from the truth about current affairs in the world because of their age and innocence. Christopher in The Curious incident is kept from finding out the truth of his parents split up, even though he is not a child and is in his teens the parents feel that he would not fully understand the reasons for them splitting up which would give us the impression that there is trust issues between Christopher and his parents. The authors used different techniques to explore the child and adult relationships, despite of the circumstances each main character was facing and/or due to the lack of a biological parent. In regards to the question, the authors explore the relationships well as both Mark Haddon and Lloyd Jones use their novels to define trends in relationships throughout different places and era and how that can affect them in the long-term. Despite also defining that both parents and children within the novels are equally reliant on one an other.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Mergers and Acquisitions in Australia
A merger is one of the forms of business combination. A merger is the joining together of two or more companies for a common goal (Schencke, 2007). It can be in the form of vertical integration, Horizontal integration or diversification. Consider the case of manufactured food (bread) company: we have the flour  company, the bakery and a butter company.If the bread company acquires the flour company that would be vertical integration; this may be more comprehensive and risky . The management is highly involved because of the procedures involved and consequences too. This is a backward integration because it will be merging with the supply source. It might lead to restricted supply of raw materials hence inflexibility.If the bread company starts producing cakes that would be horizontal integration; this might be considered necessary in order to have a more product line whereby their consumers will now be able to enjoy more quality products from the same company. This will enable a particular bread company deal with its competitors because a variety of commodities will be available to them.The company will also command a more market share because most of its products will dominate the market. High market share determines profitability because the Total sales figure has a factor of units and sales are directly proportional to the profit margin. The particular bread company therefore becomes a market leader and enjoys all the economies of scale. High volumes can be produced at low costs and therefore the company becomes a market leader in the industry. The company can now have efficient pricing policies for the different commodities that it is offering in the market.If the bread company starts producing butter to match with its quality of bread then that would be market diversification; This results in increased market capitalization which is very healthy for a company in the industry. This kind of expanded production line may be risky and uncertain because v ery little is known about that particular product line. This may call for comprehensive research, which might be costly for the holding company. Demand and supply factors of that particular company need to be understood and analyzed keenly to determine the future of such an operation and how relevant it might because this is a complimentary commodity.Merger or an acquisition leads to lack of competitiveness and would have a high Herfindahl index. Industry concentration is also affected. In the case study above, one has reduced players in the industry due to mergers. Therefore we find that there’s no competition due to acquiring of a supply chain, producing related commodities or even engaging in the production of complementary goods. Market diversification results to company being able to control its prices for the different products it has with changing the profit.This shows that market forces do not determine prices and completion is at different levels. Some companies also become market leaders and may decide to lower its prices in the market at the expense of other companies. The fact that a company can acquire a supply chain is harmful because this may limit resources/raw materials to other companies with in the industry or supply at inflated cost. A prices control board should therefore establish to deal with this. Some companies may be forced to quit production and this may lead to monopolies in the industry, which may not be healthy.Motives for mergers include:Synergy; The expected synergy determines the purchase price for the acquiree. Synergy is the combined power of a group of companies when they are working together which is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately. Synergy can be operating synergy or financial synergy. Operating synergy includes economies of scale and economies of scope, by merging firms are able to receive huge discounts due to high volumes of production and this results in high profits, this means high price of shares and high market capitalization.Owning of supply channels means constant supply of raw materials without delays and control over the prices. This indicates low cost of production and increased profits. Being a market leader may result into a monopoly and this means enormous profits. Discounts can be offered to customers and result in high sales due to high volumes. All these work to the advantage of the acquirer. More shareholders due to improved earnings per share lead to more funding and adequate cash flows are available. Synergy can’t be compared to international expansion, which is slow. Merging is with firms already operating and with the required recourses so no lag periods experienced which might hinder the growth and development of a company, which negates the image to the shareholders and other interested parties.There might be need to expand to another geographical location. The acquiring firm will look for firms in operation at that location to merge with in order to fasten the catch period which normally due to lack of knowledge of business operations at that particular area and business smartness required. Horizontal integration in this case will be necessary. This might be after researching and identifying a possible business location. Suppliers will also be considered in this case. Financial synergy is however more questionable due to the uncertainty of business operations.Merging may be for the need to grow and develop. This can be internal or external.. Internal growth can be slow and uncertain because the company doesn’t have past business experience on a particular field. Outside expansion leads to diversification and market capitalization is improved. Growth of a company in the industry tracts more shareholders to the company and therefore funds for financing business operations are adequate. This leads to market leading and high volumes are sold bringing about high profit margin.Merging may be due to the p ride of the management team of the bidder company. The management may want to associated with all players in the country that are performing better. This will be a way for the management to market itself and therefore the same directors can be restored at the next annual general meeting. The management might have been watching the firm to be acquired and may have an idea of corrections to be made in order to increase perfection.They may w ant to acquire a firm that is just about due to liquidity issues, restore its operations and hence cash flows. They therefore be associated with the recovery of the dieing company and hence improve their employment opportunities with other companies. They may also look for promotions and being part of the recovery team may a good ground for such. They management may also want to part of the management of a market leader in the company and this calls for all necessary strategies possible including mergers and acquisitions(Schlossberg, 2007).Horizont al integration whereby a company starts producing related products leads to increased market share due to increased sales out of the high volumes of sales. This may result in very radical transactions, which might be risky. In business yield comes together with risk taking. Vertical integration in this case is considered most because its more risky but the gains might be more than the costs. Diversification into another line of production may be a motivating factor.The company may have identified another variety of related products, which might be profitable and may want to be part of that industry. Therefore the best way to go may be the merger in order to pump in capital into the other company, which is facing liquidity issues, and hence have a major share of the profits. Horizontal integration is always considered best because it involves dealing with the same kind of business, which has a better track record (Schlossberg, 2007).In Australia the following steps are necessary in m erging:Research should be first done to determine possible candidate. This needs the help of experts in the research work so that all necessary data and information is available to the management of the acquiring firmThe motive to merge should be first understood and the angle to be taken determined. Synergy should be well understood and illustrated.Evaluation should be done on the acquiring firm. The firms’ business strategy should be understood in order to determine the degree of compatibility and the other aspects of business mergers. This also helps in justifying the acquisition.Immediately after the merger, Profits go down first due to the expenses incurred in research and implementation costs. Diversifications are normally expensive and gains can’t be realized immediately. Profits are normally derived at by; Sales-cost of goods sold –expenses. The cost of goods sold=opening stock + purchases-closing stock. High cost of goods immediately after the merger ca n be due to high opening stock, high purchases and low closing stock. This will therefore result in low profits.In the long run profits are supposed to increase due to;Economies of scale and scope, due to merging with supply and distribution channels, discounts will be given to the entity and this results to low operational costs. Large volume sales enable customers to get discounts and volume of sales is increased. This other unnecessary costs are avoided leading to maximization of profits.Diversification to another line of business; this means exploring of virgin grounds and operation benefits are taken advantage of. This means that sources of gained are increased and the total volume of profits is increased.Increase in market value; High market value is due to being a market leader and commands a greater share of the demand in the market. High volumes are sold and the sales figure is high. Sales are considered to be directly related to the profit volumes.The risk taken at first y ields benefits; Diversification may be risky therefore benefits may not be realized fast. Benefits can only after recovery and it will be to the enforceable future.Geographical advantages are realized. The merged entity need time to get used to the business environment and therefore gains take time to be realized (Bruner, 2007).Merging is better than internal expansion. Merging may be a little bit fast to pick up because acquired firms have existing resources and personnel. This reduces time spend in staff professional development and growth.A troubled company needs to merge as near bankruptcy workout situation. This helps in maximizing the value of the company where such companies are considered to be damaged goods. Shareholders, Board of Directors and the managers leave for firms specializing in a workout that is salvaging the value that was assumed to be left in them.Liquidations can’t be left behind. The use of highly leveraged transactions (HLT) expanded the profile of f inancially troubled companies (Schlossberg, 2007). Financially troubled companies are businesses that were leveraged and unable meet their debt service burden but still separate acceptable or even optimal operating cash flows given their internal resources and market opportunities.PublicityA demerger is expected when competitors start taking advantage of slow growth and development and they may take advantage of opportunities created by merged entity. This is because the competitors have been having existing offices, management and resources supply. Diseconomies of scale and scope start occurring and therefore the operations may not be profitable and a demerger may be considered. The company may at times consider internal expansion to be worth while and may start investing in such hence the merger becomes irrelevant (Bruner, 2007).The expansion to another geographical areas may prove to be unprofitable and thus the firm may consider demerging and concentrating in its primary busines s operations. The external growth may start being costly and the acquiring company decides to sale its share of the acquired company. The pride of management may be at some cost to the company and the shareholders may decide to demerge. The diversification to another line of production may prove to be extremely costly to the company and a demerger may be asked for so that focus can be on the basic profit gaining activity/business.Both the acquirer and acquiree benefit. The acquiree is funded and its liquidity position is revised and merging is normally a workout for near bankruptcy situations (Gaughan, 2004). The acquirer is also in a position to enjoy; economies of scale and production, advantage of geographical expansion, this is an external growth that cant be compared to the slow internal growth with uncertainties, management pride is improved, market share is improved and they move into a business that they have clear track record. ACCC is an independent authority of the Govern ment of Australia established in 1995 with the amalgamation of the Australian Trade practices Commission and the Prices Surveillance authority to administer the trade practices Act 1974 (Cth)It’s meant to protect Consumer rights, business rights and obligations, perform Industry regulation and price monitoring and prevent illegal anti Competitive behavior (Schencke, 2007).The more of the following criteria a troubled company meets the more marketable it will be to the acquiring company:Is it a manufacturing rather than a distribution operation. Acquiring a manufacturing company will be horizontal integration and will be more profitable to the entity (Robinson, Tranter, Loughran 2007). This kind of synergy results to taking advantages of economies of scale, diversifying into other lines of production, increased market value, expanding to another geographical location and this will be better than internal expansion. Merging with a distribution company will be a vertical forward integration and may be very risky with uncertainties due to lack of a clean track record.Fills a unique product niche rather than produces a commodity item.Has a well-known brand or trademark that is undamaged by its current situation.Sustains a strong defensible market share. A company with a strong market share means that its quite stable and will be profitable to merge with. This will also improve the whole entity’s image and then the share price improves in the stock market.Has a well-maintained machinery and equipment. These are tools of production and this indicates indefinite operation of the company into the future. Such a company is not risky to deal with and may result into huge future losses. Hence the idea of merging may not be necessary.Ernest & Young (2006) pg20In conclusion, mergers and acquisitions should be considered in the company’s research and development. It involves a lot of research that collects data and information in order to evaluate worth candidates for merging. The long-term objectives should be increasing the company’s market share within the industry, making use of economies of scale available and being a market leader.Mergers resulting in long term losses should be avoided because this won’t lead to growth and development of the company. Mergers also determine the structure of an industry because they lead to a decreased number of market players in the industry. This leads to high concentration and competition is reduced. Monopolies may be formed and this may not be healthy to the industry as a whole. Price control bodies need to be in place to control the dominance of the market by a particular holding company.References:Ernest & Young, Ernest & Young LLP. (2007). Back to Basic Techniques onMergers & Acquisitions (Pg 19-23). Wiley PublicationsGuy M. Robinson, Pal. J. Tranter, Robert Loughran. (2007). Economy Society &Environment. Oxford University PressHans Schencke. (2007). Accounting for Mergers & Acquisitions in Europe. IBFDMichael A. Hit, Jeffrey J. Harrison. R Duane. (2007). A Guide to creating value forStakeholders. Oxford University PressPatrick A. Gaughan. (2004). Merger, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring.Wiley PublicationsRobert F.Bruner. (2007). Applied Mergers and Acquisitions. Wiley PublicationsRobert S. Schlossberg. (2007). Understanding the Antitrust Issues. American BarAssociation.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Main Development of e Marketing and its Effect on Tourism Essay
The Main Development of e Marketing and its Effect on Tourism - Essay Example This essay will seek to address some of the major developments of e marketing and their effects on tourism. Additionally, it will also look at the major issues related to technology and innovation as well as their impacts on global tourism. Understanding and managing technological change and innovation To begin with, the recent advances and developments in connectivity and power processing facilitated by Information Communication Technology are undeniable. It is also agreeable and true that the expansion of broadband is part of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, which, once the world overcomes it, will witness the end of the ‘plague of distance’ that exists globally. Simultaneously, the ‘smart world’ in which are living in whose landscape albeit experiencing a permanent process of evolution is offering clearer, becoming friendlier, and presenting solutions that serve in reducing money and time and opening new paths towards the personalization of pr oducts and services. At this point, it is understandable that, in this world, in spite of its tones of inequalities offers an immense space to increase travel, because many barriers that once prevented or slowed global travel are gradually declining (Alipour, 2011:1). As of today, combination of technology and price comparison is increasingly shaping the activities of tourism. Experts are developing new applications for mobiles that offer a wide range of opportunities, social networks are consolidating themselves within a more transparent market where citizens are in a position to develop and provide services together, and changes in the concept of the value chain are producing new business models. In other words, change is becoming more constant and obvious, just as the opportunities that it is creating and presenting. However, technological advancements are presenting a challenge for the tourism industry. It is therefore vital understand the main trends that are influencing supply and demand, to know what is managing the change in the external environment while evolving at the same rate (McMaster, Kato, and Khan, 2005:12). Moreover, it is congruent to converse with the improved capacity for tourism organizations to respond via policies that can better integrate diverse interests, taking into account the whole range of potential of a destination. Business analysts recognize the internet as a widely and extremely valuable tool of marketing. This is because; the internet gives substantial merits over traditional methods of communication. The offers increased customer involvement in controlling transactions, increases the speed of transferring and retrieving information, and reduces the costs involved in communication. The internet is offering the tourism industry a greater flexibility of using the marketing mix (Kim, 2004:5). As such, it increases internal and external communications as well as facilitates market research. Tourism industry depends highly on int ernet in intensifying and improving customer services, product development, market penetration, cost saving via reengineering, product delivering, and in direct marketing. The use of internet transformed the tourism indus
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Analysis of a Qualitative Research Report Essay
Analysis of a Qualitative Research Report - Essay Example Teachers are in the unique position of establishing a relationship with the student wherein the teach may feel obligated to protect the student. When a student dies, the teacher may feel responsible for that death to some degree. It is important for individuals in the nursing profession to identify the need for services to individuals in need. In so doing, individuals in the nursing profession can recommend services for all those involved utilizing a team approach. Essentially, when nurses identify the need for services, they can work with an interdisciplinary team which often includes social work staff, psychological services staff etc. A referral initiated by the nursing staff can be vital to ensuring teachers are provided with the appropriate services to assist them in the grieving process and assure that the teachers arrive at the point of acceptance and return to their lives free of guilt, anger and the other symptoms which accompany a loss. The purpose of this study was to examine the way in which teachers deal with the death of a student during the school year. This is significant to the field of nursing in that there is a very real possibility that a teacher who has experienced the death of a student will have to seek the assistance of a nurse or someone in the nursing profession was a direct result of the inability to cope with the death of a student. In seeking the assistance of a nurse, it is important for nurses to be aware of both the physical and psychological effects of having experience the death of a young person. In being aware of the effects, a nurse or someone in the nursing profession is able to make an informed decision with regards to the course of treatment as well as to engage the necessary professionals in rendering a continuum of services. iii) Research Question: What is the research question? If it is not stated, what would be the research question? In what way would you say that the question is
Hemingway and Cezanne - Sharing a Vision Research Paper
Hemingway and Cezanne - Sharing a Vision - Research Paper Example In particular, the unique connection between Ernest Hemingway and Paul Cezanne is manifested through their inclination to the simplicity of presentation and complexity of inner meaning. Even a person who opens any book written by Hemingway for the first time feels that it will be a completely new and unique experience. Having read at least one page of any of his masterpieces, one understands what the matter is. In the heart of the writer's uniqueness and unusualness, which may seem to be even strangeness for some people, is his writing style. Hemingways technique is really simple, and it is this simplicity that stands out in all his works. This technique was developed by the author during his career as a journalist. In accordance with Wainwright, simplicity, and clarity of his writing style is manifested through plain grammar, austere word choice, accessible and understandable language, and unembellished description. Perhaps, a perfect word that describes Hemingways writing style is â€Å"clean†for, in his pieces, he uses simple and rhythmic sentences focused mostly on the representation of bold actions rather than vast descriptions. The simplicity of Ernest Hemingways writing style is also in the way he presents information to the reader. In this case, it is necessary to mention the so-called â€Å"iceberg principle†utilized by the writer in all his works. He does tell much about or even does not tell at all about what a particular character feels and/or thoughts. He omits such delicate things, presents readers with mere facts and actions and makes them figure out what he implies. He does it in such a masterful way that the audience grasps the hidden meaning as if the writer stated it directly. The way Paul Cezanne created his masterpieces is regarded as a unique case in the history of art.Â
Monday, August 26, 2019
Explain Mysticism and how it relates to Christiany Research Paper
Explain Mysticism and how it relates to Christiany - Research Paper Example ............................................. 6. Conclusion............................................................................................................... Thesis Statement: Religion and Mysticism are complimentary in nature, and Christianity has very closer association with Mysticism that stresses the need for prayer and meditation in one’s life. Introduction Mysticism has often been regarded as concept with a deeper level meaning in almost all religions of the world. It is the close association mysticism with religion that very often leads many to consider it as quite equal to some of the religions. But a closer analysis will certainly unveil mysticism as a different perspective from religious teachings. Even a mere observation will be sufficient enough for unearthing this close association and it is identifiable that some of the religions are proclaiming some of the aspects of mysticism. Among the religions that are very much associated with mysticism Christi anity stands to be a supreme one. Many researchers have clearly recognised this close association and have affirmed the closer relationship of Christianity with mysticism. The proximity between Christianity to mysticism had led many to think to supplement one with another. In a closer look one can find out that these two are different even though some apparent similarities are there. The closeness of mysticism and Christianity paves for the analytical study between these two. The proposed study is aimed to explore the close association between Christianity and Mysticism. Various factors concerning both Christianity and Mysticism will be analysed in the paper and specifically, the researcher will endeavour to establish the fact that religion and Mysticism are complimentary. The essay takes note on the relationship of Christian teachings to mysticism and will analyse the major components of mysticism and Christianity through comparative studies intended to expose their relation. There fore, the study proposes the thesis that, religion and Mysticism are complimentary in nature, and Christianity has very closer association with Mysticism that stresses the need for prayer and meditation in one’s life. What is mysticism? Researchers have often been expressed their difficulty in properly defining mysticism. Of course, the word mysticism is originated from Greek culture. Some regard it as quite similar to asking a foolish question like what beauty is. However, different religions attribute different aspects to mysticism. Many have observed it as more difficult to define than socialism and the words of William Ralph Inge makes it crystal clear when he reveals the various attributes of Mysticism. He says, â€Å"Sometimes it [mysticism] is used as an equivalent for symbolism or allegorism, sometimes for theosophy or occult science; and sometimes it merely suggests the mental state of a dreamer, or vague and fantastic opinions about God and the world†(Inge, 16). It clearly indicates the fact that defining mysticism is not easier as one thinks. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines mysticism as, ‘the belief that knowledge of God and the real truth can be found through prayer and meditation rather than through reason and the senses.’ A more acceptable fact regarding mysticism can be identified with Margaret Smith when she rightly commented thus, â€Å"Mysticism itself represents something much wider than its derivation: it represents a spiritual tendency which is universal, for we find it in
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Importance of Technology in Education Research Paper
Importance of Technology in Education - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that access to technology opportunities and devices assists in learning factors of time and place that make mobile learning as an important tool for lifelong knowledge. Education by using technology allow for the use of electronic devices, desktop and smartphones that assist in developing education both for teachers and for students. Technological education provides access to a large broad of selected research in technology and structures organized by technology. Students and technology organize relevant resources that perceive various developments and research for the various completion topics learned using technology in education.As the report discusses wide educational spectrum increases attention by policy makers in making technological education relevant in various aspects. Traditional roles open opportunity for education and learners for quality teaching by allowing the use of technology to assist in developing education standards. Professors in universities and colleges promote the use of technology into various train individuals such as public accountants, armed forces, physicians, and nurses because technology gives them as an easy time to comprehend various aspects of education. Students have various excitements concerning internet technology as subsided to considerable extents. The role of education based on education promotes curriculum development as an instructional delivery system for students.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Microsoft Company and how its foundation impacts the world Assignment
Microsoft Company and how its foundation impacts the world - Assignment Example Some of these programs include helping people in case of disasters; human rights and online safety are the other ways the firm commits to the CSR programs. Sadly, the opposite happens when a firm fails in realising as much profit as it should especially in the case of Microsoft. Since the company is evidently committed to its CSR programs, it is imperative that constant analysis of its strategies and other factors be carried out. In this paper, the purpose is to analyse Microsoft Company and the effects of its foundation in the world. Microsoft is a US-based multinational company that specialises in computer technology including software, personal computers and consumer electronics. Some of the best software products include Microsoft windows, Microsoft Office, internet explorer and Office suite. Recently the firm entered into the hardware products including Xbox games tablet, Microsoft Surface. Other services the firm offers including Internet search program, Bing. The company was founded in 1975 by two men, Bill gates and Paul Allen, and is currently headquartered in Redmond, Washington (Carter et al, p.1634). The company’s market share started sharing in the 80s when it produced an operating system called, MS-DOS. The production of Microsoft Windows elevated the company. The number of products it has produced since its inception has evidenced the firm’s commitment to innovation. In the case of operating systems, the company embraced innovation by releasing several versions including Windows XP, Windows vista, Windows 7 and the most recent windows 8 and 8.1. After buying Nokia’s devices, Microsoft has shown great commitment to mobile phone users by enabling windows 8 to be accessible through mobile phones (Pittel, p.63). The market share for Microsoft is has remained the highest among the other firms in the same industry. Additionally, besides
Friday, August 23, 2019
Energy Needs in Mexico Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Energy Needs in Mexico - Research Paper Example In other words, energy is the capability of doing work, spawning heat, and discharging luminosity or emission. On the other hand, power is the energy spent over a given period, say, per unit time. The two are interrelated and one cannot do minus the other. So far, there are over six elementary sources of energy, which include nuclear, thermal and electromagnetic energy. Other forms of energy include electricity, mechanical and chemical energies. Different countries use different forms of energy or a combination of many forms of energy. In Mexico, the government of Mexico struggles to meet the energy needs of the country by using a combination of different forms of energy. Notably, coal and fossil fuels are the dominant sources of energy in Mexico. Perhaps due to their abundance within and without Mexico, fossil fuels are the most common source of energy not only in Mexico, but also in other countries. However, with the warning of fossil fuels getting scarce and their adverse effects of combustion, various countries just like Mexico are busy adopting new forms of energy (Buen & Isabel, 2006, pp. 1-3). The Mexican constitution gives the state the mandate to generate, transmit, and distribute different forms of energy to the citizenry.... For instance, the generation of electricity in Mexico depends on 75 percent of thermal sources, 19 percent from water generation (hydropower). Other sources accounting 2 percent include biomass, solar and wind. Recently, the government embarked on plan to increase its energy figures by 14.8 GW by 2015 using other sources of energy such as renewable sources. This research paper addresses the energy needs in Mexico, the challenges facing its energy sector, and the implication on the economy (Auer, 2001, pp. 1-7). 1.1 Statement of the problem Although there are abundance reserves of both natural gas and petroleum in Mexico, the problem of energy insufficiency persists in a country that is trying so hard to set its path towards positive economic growth figures. The ever-growing economic demands in the country are slowly but surely outpacing the ability of Mexico to produce additional energy. To make matters worse, the poor infrastructure in the exploitation of these two fundamental sourc es of energy has made the country loose millions of dollars due to the flaring up of natural gas. Additionally, the government has been on the receiving end for not investing enough in the energy sector thus, affecting the exploration and production of these basic sources of energy. Inadequate investment from the private sector is also another impediment facing the energy sector in Mexico. The lack of storage facilities for refined oil is also another challenge facing Mexico, as this forces the government and other energy sector players to import at least 25 percent of gasoline. Major infrastructure projects happening in the energy sector in Mexico have almost come to a standstill due to budgetary constraints. For
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Piece of String by Guy De Maupassant Essay Example for Free
The Piece of String by Guy De Maupassant Essay In The Piece of String a short story by Guy De Maupassant, the main character is a peasant named Maitre Hauchecome. Maitre Hauchecome was a frugal, innocent and offended man. A poor man from Breaute, Maitre Hauchecome was a thrifty Norman who believed that everything with a purpose should be picked up and saved. His outlook on life ended up costing him his reputation. An adjective that could be used to describe him would be frugal. Maitre Hauchecome was not wasteful or lavish. He spent his money sparingly, and was very economical. He proved this when he bent down to pick up the piece of string to save even though it was painful for him because he suffered of rheumatism. As well as being frugal, Maitre Hauchecome was also innocent. Maitre Hauchecome had noticed the small piece of string on the ground and picked it up believing that someday it may be of some use to him. The story of him supposedly stealing the purse was false because we know that he had bent down to only pick up the string. He stated his innocence when he was speaking to others willing to listen to his story by saying, What grieved me so much was not the thing itself, as the lying. There is nothing so shameful as to be placed under a cloud on account of a lie. There, he was convince people of his innocence and hoping that they would finally believe him. A third adjective that could be used to describe Maitre Hauchecome is offended. After being accused of stealing the purse, he became angry and hurt. He resented his accusers and former friends as his feelings became more and more wounded. He became distressed and confused on what he should do. An example of him as he was offended was when he said, How anyone tellhow anyone can tellsuch lies to take away an honest mans reputation! How can anyone Unfortunately, Maitre Hauchecome never redeemed his once good reputation. He wore himself out with useless efforts to try to win back his innocence. He began to waste away and took to bed in December. Early in January, on his dying day, he still claimed his innocence. Frugal, innocent, and offended were just a few of the many different adjectives that could be used to describe the poor peasant that died because of something so simple as a piece of string.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Frankenstein - Golden Mean Archetype Essay Example for Free
Frankenstein Golden Mean Archetype Essay Throughout the last few chapters we have been reading, the perspective of our monster has shifted tremendously. At first, we viewed the creature as frightening and menacing. As the story continues, we base our view on the monster due to Victor’s aggressive behavior towards the creature, making us pity the poor monster as he has done nothing wrong; he is just lost in a new world, possibly experiencing culture shock. Now the creature is venturing out into the world, interacting with people other than Victor. â€Å"for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment I had formerly endured in the first village which I entered†(106). After the monster encounters humans, people give the same reaction: fear. The monster comes baring no harm, but in fright, the citizens of the village run from him, scared of what might happen to them. This starts his increasing grudge against the humans. First, Victor rejects his appearance, oblivious to the being on the inside, now, complete strangers are neglecting him. His temper in steadily growing. â€Å"Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous and magnificent, yet so vicious and base?†(107). After learning more history from his protectors, the creature is now questioning the characteristic change in man over the course of time. Back then, a creature of his nature might have been accepted, but now he is feared for his sole appearance. These events capture the imbalance in the golden mean because now the monster, once emotionally stable with his existence, is getting too angry and furious with the human race. The monster is now resembling Victor. Although he might not notice it, the monster is showing a strong connection between him and his creator through his actions. Both are seeking revenge and acting out through their anger. Now that the monster has built up the courage to confront the old blind man, by the name of De Lacy, he waits until Felix, Agatha, and Safie have left. He does not want to frighten them. Unfortunately, as he tries to speak with De Lacy, Felix and the others return. Upon Agatha fainting, and Safie running out of fear, â€Å"Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore me from this father, whose knees I cung; in a transport of fry, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick†(123-124). The creature viewed the family and his own: his protectors. If they acted that way towards him, surely everyone else would too. Now, the monster’s revenge only increased. Soon enough, the creature is going to snap and lose control of his emotions. There is still some decency inside of the monster though. After witnessing an innocent girl downing, he saves her, despite his arising hate for humans. As a man comes and thinks that the monster is harming the girl, he shoots the creature, who had only tried to help. â€Å"The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth. Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind†(130). The spark inside of the monster triggers and rage flows through his body. Anger and revenge seep in and he now despises all human beings. The creature has terminated all tolerance for human beings, due to the everlasting hate he obtains from creatures so very similar to him. The golden mean has been violated extensively through the mistreatment of this poor creature. He has been nothing but joyous towards mankind, but in return he receives hate and pain, literally. The monster has no more patience or hope for the overturning emotions from humans. This eventually develops the motive for William’s murder, confessing to Victor the deviant act of not only the murder, but also of framing Justine.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
What Is The Importance Of Groundwater Environmental Sciences Essay
What Is The Importance Of Groundwater Environmental Sciences Essay Groundwater is a regenerated phenomenon. Its circumstance from long time ago began to become worse and even worst because of people greediness and ignorance. We, group one, attempted strenuously to design this report to accomplish our only purpose which is for our mates to awake their sleeping instinct and make them aware of the importance of the groundwater for the environment and even for us. From antiquity, water especially water from underground has been utilized for irrigation and livestock. People with their narrow understanding of the environment in the past have succeeded in developing new simple methods to attract rain water and bring groundwater to surface so that they can use it easily. Many parts of the world face a lack of freshwater and groundwater occupies approximately two third of the freshwater resources, from that the groundwater is the most important, reliable source of freshwater sources. About 1% of water on the earth is made up by ground water and the groundwater volume is equal to a fifty five m thick layer in the earth surface. Groundwater supplies are the fundamental resources for people drinking, agriculture and even industry, about 80% of drinking water in Middle East, Europe, Russia and North America are groundwater. This Table (1) indicates the percentage of countries dependence on groundwater. Groundwater simply is the existed water in vents and scratches in rocks in ground layers. It is created from the collective of rainfall, melting ice and snow. Through the soil this banding water together moves into groundwater system stored in aquifers and when it find its way to surface it discharge from ground as lakes, streams and oceans. Therefore, groundwater is directly related to the water cycle which is related to the processes of the atmosphere and climate. Groundwater Occurrence: Through the soil the falling rain seeps down to the aeration or unsaturated zone which its vents are filled with air. It continues to seep deeper to enter the saturated zone where rocks vents are filled with water. The surface of that zone is called the water table that can occur everywhere in ground layers. Water table water reaches the surface at lakes and streams in humid climates. Thus, the amounts of floating water changes as seasons change. For example the depth of water table decreases during wet seasons and increases during dry seasons. Groundwater Rocks Textures: Groundwater amount and flow rate is controlled by properties related to rocks: rock porosity The percentage of pore space in the rock volume that allocates the amount of water that a rock can store. Porosity in sedimentary rocks is based on the size of rock partials, their shapes and their sorting and cement degree. Usually rocks with well-rounded rough partial sediments have higher porosity than fine-organized partial sediments, That is because the partials dont fit together very well. Usually unsorted sediments have lower porosity than the well sorted sediments because sorted partials head for filling the empty space. Cements highly fill the space of pore, and it has lower porosity. rock permeability The percentage of how highly the spaces of vents are interconnected in the rock. Usually rocks with low porosity have also low permeability but this isnt always true. There are possibilities that a rock with many pored space has a little interconnections between these pores. Vesicular volcanic rock is a good example for this state. Vesicular volcanic rock has a high porosity which is given from the stored gas in its bubbles but in contrast it has a low permeability because pores in that rock are not connected together. Force of molecular attraction is when water faces a lack in ionic charge and becomes attracted to minerals in rock vents. This shows us that if the permeability is low then water wont move. This means that if the interconnections size isnt enough for the molecular attraction the water wont move. Groundwater Aquifers: After rainfall seeps down to the ground, the soil carries away this water to springs and wells which is called aquifers. Precipitation recharge water into the ground in aquifers rocks vents and the recharge rate varies depending on the type of the aquifer rocks. If water is pumped from the well too much and with high speed then it will draw down in an aquifer and if this continues with the same high speed then the aquifer will dry out. There are two types of aquifers : Unconfined Aquifers : This type is the common kind of aquifers. Through unconfined Aquifer water table can expose to surface from aeration zone Confined Aquifers : This type is less common. It occurs when an aquifer constricts between impermeable strata layers. The figure below shows a distinctive kind of confined aquifer in artesian system. Artesian systems result in free flowing springs and wells. When the surface interacts with the water table on the earth surface causing water flowing out of the ground, springs are formed. They occur when aquiclude rock interacts with an aquifer . When human beings dig a deep hole in the ground that interacts with water table, wells are formed. Wells are one of the groundwater sources. They will dry out if we dig holes very deep in the ground. C:UsersLGAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesLowContent.IE5Y3H9SNP97_aquiferswells_large[1].jpg Groundwater Foundation and composition: Most of the shallow groundwater is composed directly from the nominated small amounts of rainwater and snow melt to the class that follows the surface. As for the groundwater remote valley has its adherence to the pores of the soil they remain stagnant for millions of years. Some of this type of water contains large amounts of dissolved salts may be salty sea water retained by the surrounding rock formation during a long time ago. In volcanic regions may produce small amounts of groundwater from molten masses of igneous rocks in the deeper part of the class that follows the surface. Even in areas where there is a hot spring, the quantities of water that originates from molten rock, generally less than 1% of the total hot water flowing on the surface. Through the various stages of geological evolution of groundwater have been too many changes in the structure occurred as a result of mutual influence between water and surrounding rock under the influence of pressure and heat. According to modern conceptions, the groundwater is formed at the expense of water molecules within the solid part of the earth. According to modern conceptions, the groundwater is formed at the expense of water molecules within the solid part of the earth. As a result of the receipt of water to the rocks from the outer shells also it result of dewatering of the sedimentary origin of metals. Groundwater originating outside Established this type of water as a result of leakage of part of the water runoff to the ground by the pores and cracks within rocks. This leakage depends on the quality of the rocks in the area of the leak. Ground water originating in the internal In addition to the emergence of underground water sedimentation and condensation also arise through the presence and the presence of water vapor and other gases resulting from (Amalgam) liquid in the range of the deep Earth. As a result of the movement of these (Amalgam), these gases and vapors separated from the (Amalgam) and the Federation of hydrogen and oxygen, forming water vapor, Which in turn condenses problem fluids rise through cracks and deep tectonic faults and appear on the surface in the form of metal springs are hot and you know this theory virginity. Groundwater chemical origin Many of the rocks under the water molecules attached to such Almirabelit (NasSO4.10H2O) which contains 55.9% water. Plaster and also contains 20.9% water and also Allimonayat and contains 25.2% water in composition. Under the changes affected by geothermal can be freed from a portion of these rocks, and water is a safe house of groundwater. Groundwater Movement: Groundwater movement is very slow, which means they will still exist in the ground and are available for very long periods so that could be used in multiple uses before they reach on its way to the sea and this is one of the most important characteristics. Underground water moves toward the bottom and as a result of Gravitation, and then laterally as a result of increasing pressure and movement might be in places where the alleged high pressure and high water to the places where the alleged low water pressure is less. The speed of ground water on several factors, including: a) Amount Alomta: t rev in the rainy season due to increased water levels a mile underground. b) Permeability: Increases the speed increase of permeability. c) Depth: at least speed up the water depth due to the loss of energy due to friction with rocks. The difference between the level of groundwater and surface water: water moves from the hills to the valleys in the rainy season as it moves from the bottom of the valleys in the dry season. Is determined by the rate of movement of groundwater on the basis of the permeability of rocks or sediments that contain this water and also the rate of decline of water level and the rate of flow of river water depends on the downstream slope. Groundwater Pollution : Water pollution: damage or corruption to the quality of water leading to an imbalance in the system in one way or the other, thereby reducing their capacity to perform its natural role. Collects groundwater beneath the earths crust of Foreign affairs , and these waters are considered the most important sources of water given by the states informed attention to the preservation of environmental pollution by attachment , environmental contamination and the indiscriminate use of groundwater resources threatens the groundwater in the world . There are several reasons for causing pollution of underground water, one of the causes of pollution is the human activities in the land that come through pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and chemicals spills and deep injection wells, these materials cause serious diseases in humans especially in children where up to humans through the irrigation and rain, who nominated them Egervan pesticides non analyst Baltjah aquifers . It is important to know that groundwater is a very important source of potable water for use, and may be wasteful in the use of much of the work cause a major threat to the presence and continuity of fresh water is the most important problems who cause reduce the chances of the availability of groundwater collapse of the land and the leakage of salt water to wells constantly Vidhar water and causing her substantial pollution and a clear change its characteristics of natural and unfortunately there are some wells close to the surface of the earth, which expose it to contamination of biological or chemical Valabar that contain ground water should preferably be at altitudes appropriate to avoid what might happen around them .. If the rise was more than 40 feet reduces the pollution of groundwater Only in this case, the layered porous half permeability is working to rid the water of impurities and contaminants, and if there is contamination of the groundwater may be difficult to filter t he whole it is difficult to liquidate quickly, because this water Tkwon slow flow and movement in the ground may not exceed several meters of movement may affect the location and quality of water filtering. There are several diseases caused by pollution of underground water, such as: 1 Cholera. 2 Typhoid. 3 All kinds of dysentery. 4 Hepatitis. 5 Malaria. 6 Schistosomiasis. 7 Liver disease. 8 Poisoning. There are several ways to prevent contaminants from reaching groundwater and some solutions for the liquidation of underground water of pollutants such as: * Chemical precipitation to remove water hardness. * Sedimentation to remove sediment resulting from chemical treatment. * Disinfection process to kill micro-organisms causing disease. * Desalination of saline groundwater. * Wastewater treatment before arriving to the soil and water bodies. * Dissemination of human consciousness for water conservation. * Passing laws to deal with toxic waste and follow the process to get rid of toxic waste. * Passing laws to deal with toxic waste and follow the process to get rid of toxic waste. Groundwater in the UAE Human activities impact: Human activities have a significant impact on groundwater in the United Arab Emirates. Groundwater is the source of the most commonly used provision in the United Arab Emirates, where it is facing a heavy pressure from population growth, urbanization and agricultural and industrial practices. As a result of these activities has become ground water is used excessively in recent decades and, more from the past. The height of these human activities require an increase in the use of groundwater, which led to their use of groundwater stored in aquifers key and so will this lead to a decrease of excessive use of groundwater in the main stores in the United Arab Emirates. And also as a result received excellent groundwater degradation where it met with many of the problems that reduce the quality in the United Arab Emirates, and one of these problems, groundwater salinity and will progressively become more saline, and the other problem that may harm the quality of groundwater is due to the imbalance between the annual recharge and discharge. Recently several wells in the eastern and the northern parts of the country went dry. On the other hand, the oil industry and the practice of agriculture are key factors in the pollution of groundwater. As a result of the oil industry is to increase the salinity in groundwater due to solvents, waste oil thrown staged near areas of groundwater example Bu Hasa area. The agricultural practices are increasing pollution of groundwater due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers staged affect the quality of groundwater. Future plans: Increase continuity in the use of groundwater has led to decreases dramatically and this is what was observed in recent decades, after studies staged held in the UAE and this is the main reason to re-examine the sources of water in the UAE and building plans for the future adopted by the State in the use of water source and the most important groundwater. Of the most important future plans to maintain the underground water level and the reduction of use, is to regulate the drilling and exploitation of groundwater wells and the exploitation of the groundwater in agriculture properly be used in any modern irrigation methods staged availability of ground water and keep them from drying. In addition to the expansion of the establishment of dams to hold rainwater, and include the application of a program to conserve and rationalize water use, groundwater, and enhance the statistics of groundwater, especially in the area of authentication and authorization withdrawals of water and develop a program to improve methods for rainwater harvesting in order to feed water tank underground. Construction of dams: Given the importance played by dams in the custody of rainwater for later use feed water storage underground, especially since the natural nutrition are only a small percentage of the amount of water withdrawn and did not exceed in any case 10% were interested in the United Arab Emirates establishment of dams, which now numbered114 dams with a capacity of storing 114 million cubic meters. Modify the patterns of agricultural and irrigation: Given that agriculture is the largest consumer of water in the state (about 80%) of total water consumption has turned the state in recent years to use the patterns of modern agricultural reduce water consumption through the promotion of workers in the agricultural sector on the use of means and methods of modern irrigation, training in their use, It is through the provision of irrigation systems, modern farm prices are almost free in some cases, have succeeded the State had notable success in mainstreaming the use of these means, as increased area cultivated areas that are irrigated by the use of those means more than 70% and on that used by some parties  to the plans set standards and specifications for water quality and crops to be cultivated and determine the area and the regulations and conditions of the agricultural plan. Conclusion: So far, we have seen that groundwater is very essential freshwater resources for us without it we will face a remarkable damage in human life span. So, from this importance of groundwater UAE holds many projects to preserve the water sources because I said the water sources in the United Arab Emirates due to lack of rainfall. Among the most important of these projects the project primarily in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, the underground injection His aim is to maintain strategic reserves of water in the emirate, through improving the quality of groundwater, which has become unfit for the use of high salinity due to depletion in the past years.
Progressivism on a National Level :: essays research papers
Reform of corrupt businesses and government first drew attention at local and state levels. Big businesses in the late 1800s preferred profit over patriotism, credit over honor, individual gain over national prosperity, and trade and dickering over principles. It was not until 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt became president, that progressivism was brought to the national level. During Roosevelt’s presidency, he would push reform as much as possible by strengthening the power of the federal government. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was an early attempt to try to control abuses by large combinations of businesses called trusts. The Act was weakened by the Supreme Court used against labor unions rather than against monopolies. Roosevelt’s first push for reform on the national level began with a secret antitrust investigation of the J. P. Morgan’s Northern Securities Company whom monopolized railroad traffic. After successfully using his powers in government to control businesses, Roosevelt used the Sherman Antitrust Act against forty-three â€Å"bad†trusts that broke the law and left the â€Å"good†trusts alone. When united mine workers went on strike demanding less hours, more money, and recognition as a union, the price of coal went from $2.50 to $6.00 a ton. With the nation’s high dependence on coal during the winter, Roosevelt arranged a meeting with representatives from both sides to meet. He threatened to seize the mines and run them with federal troops and eventually settled it by giving them a reduction in the workday and wage increases, but no recognition as a union. Another Act that expanded the federal government’s power included the Elkins Act which outlawed railroad rebates and created the Department of Commerce and Labor to act as a corporate watchdog. The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was created in 1887 to regulate railroads but was never given real power to set rates and prevent discriminatory practices. To increase the power of the ICC, Roosevelt passed the Hepburn Act of 1906, and for the first time, a government commission could investigate private business records and set rates. When Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle was published, reformers took another look at the meatpacking industry. The novel’s startling accounts of filthy conditions in the meatpacking plants resulted in the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act and a Meat Inspection Act.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Definition Essay -- essays papers
Definition Essay The origin of the word myth seems to be a myth in itself. Myths have generally originated from a Greek history that used an oral tradition to explain events that occurred before the written word. Often supernatural beings or fictitious characters were used to explain popular ideas concerning phenomena's of nature or the history of people. The myths that were carried on from generation to generation were often very imaginative in an attempt to spark the interest of young listeners. These would be told at social gatherings. The main purpose of a myth was to relay historical information among groups. Early myths often dealt with the origin of man, customs, religious rights, incidents involving the lives of gods, stories of culture heroes, adaptations of old world myths, or the retelling of biblical stories. From the Webster’s dictionary the real meaning of the word myth is, â€Å"a story or legend†that was created as oral traditions that were told from generation to generation. Often as individuals told the stories, they were changed slightly in context or meaning. One cannot be certain, however, that historically based myths are not historically correct. Exaggeration due to personal vendetta was often the cause for discrepancies of factual or not factual information included in dialect from a mythical standpoint. An instance where this fact was the case is seen in the Old Testament. Even, the Old Testament can be looked upon as being mythical. From a religious perception, the Old Testament may be viewed as the history of Judaism and believed to be completely factual and true, but from a mythical standpoint that selection may be fictitious in context. Mythology suggests that due to the fact that events w... ...ide to them. The mythical side is present because a culture or society does not want to believe the facts that are known in an attempt to give reassurance to ones inner self. A modern example of a myth is the belief that one cannot achieve a pregnancy upon the primal intercourse experience. Research has proven that this is not true, but many believe or are told that this is the case. These types of myths are used today to create reassurance for those believing them. The word myth has been defined by scientific evidence throughout history. As scientific evidence has become clearer, early myths have become less clear to the present day human being. Even though early myths are becoming obsolete, they are still being studied to teach all aspects of life and culture past and present. Also, modern myths are being studied just as well to teach the aspects of the world today.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
The Modernist movement period was change in the world that took place between the end of the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century. Modernism is something that has happened and no longer represents the now or the contemporary of the world. Modern design is developed of all that came before it and through experimentation, innovation, and individualism, which forward society. Great leaders in the modernist movement were intellectuals, artists, philosophers and scientists. Modernist such as Kafka, Woolf and Toomer influence literature constantly reform reshape society with a variety of theme of their of personal life and life during the 19th, 20th. In order to understand the modernist movement and the influence in society we have to analysis Franz Kafka. Kafka modernist patterns and system were unique, disturbing, symbolic fictions in his works made him one of twentieth century's influential writers. Kafka use of troubling, ironic, expressionistic in his novels often dealing with alienation trapped his central character in complex situations beyond their knowledge and control. Kafka novel The Metamorphosis starts with Gregor waking up into bug. As the story change Gregor appears to accept that he is a bug. Gregor never stops to question how such a transformation could understand why it occurs. Although the story presents the change as fact, one might argue that it serves as a metaphor to illustrate why he was a bug. The Metamorphosis was not surprising when Kafka used metaphors to explain the story of Gregor, which were key to the understanding Gregor family reaction when he became a bug. The metaphor Kafka tried to convey wa s alienation of life in Gregor, which led to void humane gratitude, cold affection, and f... ...s of new music patterns styles with forms of improves instruments and music language. Sound control is also important to understand how pitch, tempo and octaves to put together a song. Music no longer is limited to concerts and opera houses it is available for everyone that enjoys music. In conclusion â€Å"The Modernist†movement was a period of change in the world that took place between the end of the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century. Modernism is something that has happened and no longer represents the now or the contemporary of the world. Modern design is developed of all that came before it and through experimentation, innovation, and, which forward as a society. Modernist such as Kafka, Woolf and Toomer influence literature constantly reform reshape society with a variety of theme of their of personal life and life during the 19th, 20th.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Hefty Hardware Essay
After reading Hefty hardware case study, I came up with the following analysis for this case: It is very clear that there is communication issues between the business and IT, there is no connection between the IT department and other business departments. To build good relationship between the IT Department and the Business department, the four foundation blocks needed, Competence, credibility, interpersonal interaction, and trust, which all are not considered between the departments. (McKeen & Smith, 2012). The business manager feels that the IT don’t have the enough competence for finding solution for solving business problems. And this is normal because the IT do not have the enough knowledge about Hefty Hardware business process and goals. The very important block in building good relationship between the IT and business department which is the interpersonal interaction is not available and usually the meetings getting failed because the IT people don’t understand the business talk and not ready to understand, also the business managers do not understand the technical talk when the IT start explaining the technical aspects of the solution. Hefty Hardware do not has solid foundation and good relationship between the IT and the Business department, and this issue became the main problem that Hefty should deal with it to make sure that the current and future projects will success. Also it is important that the IT department spend the enough time to explain their plan to support the business functions and make sure that they will work to achieve the organization goals. There is no information sharing between the departments or even between the executives because of the lack of communication. Information sharing will help in reach common goal which will help the organization to be more efficient and productive. Mr. Vogel suggestion was very good to have two from IT and business department travel together as this will improve the relationship between the two departments and make better understanding for the organization goals and will give them the chance to see how Hefty stores operate. The IT department seems to be understaffed and under budget, as Farzad was complaining that he cannot send some IT staff because they have a lot of work to do at the head quarter, the IT department is mainly to perform the support and keep the network and the systems stable but they don’t have the ability to think strategically. In order for the IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver the Savvy Store program successfully the below recommendations need to be considered: 1- Hefty Hardware should invest in building a good relationship between the IT and Business department this can be achieved by conducting team building training program where both department can interact and work together. As this will build a trusting and functional environment. 2- Developing the communication skills for Hefty employees and between the different departments, which will help in implementing successful projects. 3- IT and Business managers should work together for removing any communication obstacles to have a successful communication going. (Gartenstein, 2012). By having a weekly meetings which will strengthen the communication more . 4- Interpersonal interaction between the IT and business departments should be improved in the meetings, as most of the time the business team feel that they are lost as then don’t understand the technical points, this can be achieved by train the IT team to improve their communication skills and let then have the ability to communicate with non-technical people (which is not easy) and explain to them in simple way. Visual presentation may help in explaining the technical concepts . 5- Business team should also share the organization business needs and goals with the IT team to let them understand how is the business going and what is the goals of the company. By this cooperation, the gap between the two departments will be bridged and both teams will be able to think more efficiently in finding solutions that will enhance customer experience and will implement competitive solutions. 6- Outsourcing the projects that need to be immediately implemented and do not trouble the IT department while they are overloaded and don’t have enough staff. 7- The Time management & Planning is very important for both departments, the organization should invest in having them trained in time management and planning, which will help them in doing the work efficiently and on time. 8- Do a market research for the same industry and try to implement a competitive solutions that will be a very good advantage for the organization. 9- Hiring more IT staff as the CIO is understaffed and has no ability to accept any new system development, so as to be able to work on Savvy store program. 10- The corporate should not be disconnected from the retail shops. References: McKeen, J. and Heather, S. (2011) IT Strategy – Issues and Practices. 2nd Edition. ISBN-10: 0132145669. Boston: Prentice Hall. Gartenstein, D. (2012, January). Solutions for effective communication. Retrieved from eHow Family website: Baum, J. (2011, March 18). Team building exercises in the workplace. Retrieved from Livestrong website:
Friday, August 16, 2019
Frankenstein Summary Essay
Frankenstein opens with a preface, signed by Mary Shelley but commonly supposed to have been written by her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley. It states that the novel was begun during a summer vacation in the Swiss Alps, when unseasonably rainy weather and nights spent reading German ghost stories inspired the author and her literary companions to engage in a ghost story writing contest, of which this work is the only completed product. Summary: Letter 1 The novel itself begins with a series of letters from the explorer Robert Walton to his sister, Margaret Saville. Walton, a well-to-do Englishman with a passion for seafaring, is the captain of a ship headed on a dangerous voyage to the North Pole. In the first letter, he tells his sister of the preparations leading up to his departure and of the desire burning in him to accomplish â€Å"some great purpose†â€â€discovering a northern passage to the Pacific, revealing the source of the Earth’s magnetism, or simply setting foot on undiscovered territory. Summary: Letters 2–3 In the second letter, Walton bemoans his lack of friends. He feels lonely and isolated, too sophisticated to find comfort in his shipmates and too uneducated to find a sensitive soul with whom to share his dreams. In the brief third letter, Walton tells his sister that his ship has set sail and that he has full confidence that he will achieve his aim. Summary: Letter 4 In the fourth letter, the ship stalls between huge sheets of ice, and Walton and his men spot a sledge guided by a gigantic creature about half a mile away. The next morning, they encounter another sledge stranded on an ice floe. All but one of the dogs drawing the sledge is dead, and the man on the sledgeâ€â€not the man seen the night beforeâ€â€is emaciated, weak, and starving. Despite his condition, the man refuses to board the ship until Walton tells him that it is heading north. The stranger spends two days recovering, nursed by the crew, before he can speak. The crew is burning with curiosity, but Walton, aware of the man’s still-fragile state, prevents his men from burdening the stranger with questions. As time passes, Walton and the stranger become friends, and the stranger eventually consents to tell Walton his story. At the end of the fourth letter, Walton states that the visitor will commence his narrative the next day; Walton’s framing narrative ends and the stranger’s begins. Summary: Chapter 1 The stranger, who the reader soon learns is Victor Frankenstein, begins his narration. He starts with his family background, birth, and early childhood, telling Walton about his father, Alphonse, and his mother, Caroline. Alphonse became Caroline’s protector when her father died in poverty. They married two years later, and Victor was born soon after. Frankenstein then describes how his childhood companion, Elizabeth Lavenza, entered his family. Elizabeth was discovered by his mother, Caroline, on a trip to Italy, when Victor is about five years old. While visiting a poor Italian family, Caroline notices a beautiful blonde girl among the dark-haired Italian children; upon discovering that Elizabeth is the orphaned daughter of a Milanese nobleman and a German woman and that the Italian family can barely afford to feed her, Caroline adopts Elizabeth and brings her back to Geneva. Victor’s mother decides at the moment of the adoption that Elizabeth and Victor should someda y marry. Summary: Chapter 2 Elizabeth and Victor grow up together as best friends. Victor’s friendship with Henry Clerval, a schoolmate and only child, flourishes as well, and he spends his childhood happily surrounded by this close domestic circle. As a teenager, Victor becomes increasingly fascinated by the mysteries of the natural world. He chances upon a book by Cornelius Agrippa, a sixteenth-century scholar of the occult sciences, and becomes interested in natural philosophy. He studies the outdated findings of the alchemists Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus with enthusiasm. He witnesses the destructive power of nature when, during a raging storm, lightning destroys a tree near his house. A modern natural philosopher accompanying the Frankenstein family explains to Victor the workings of electricity, making the ideas of the alchemists seem outdated and worthless. Summary: Chapter 3 At the age of seventeen, Victor leaves his family in Geneva to attend the university at Ingolstadt. Just before Victor departs, his mother catches scarlet fever from Elizabeth, whom she has been nursing back to health, and dies. On her deathbed, she begs Elizabeth and Victor to marry. Several weeks later, still grieving, Victor goes off to Ingolstadt. Arriving at the university, he finds quarters in the town and sets up a meeting with a professor of natural philosophy, M. Krempe. Krempe tells Victor that all the time that Victor has spent studying the alchemists has been wasted, further souring Victor on the study of natural philosophy. He then attends a lecture in chemistry by a professor named Waldman. This lecture, along with a subsequent meeting with the professor, convinces Victor to pursue his studies in the sciences. Analysis: Preface and Letters 1–4 The preface to Frankenstein sets up the novel as entertainment, but with a serious twistâ€â€a science fiction that nonetheless captures â€Å"the truth of the elementary principles of human nature.†The works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Milton are held up as shining examples of the kind of work Frankenstein aspires to be. Incidentally, the reference to â€Å"Dr. Darwin†in the first sentence is not to the famous evolutionist Charles Darwin, who was seven years old at the time the novel was written, but to his grandfather, the biologist Erasmus Darwin. In addition to setting the scene for the telling of the stranger’s narrative, Walton’s letters introduce an important characterâ€â€Walton himselfâ€â€whose story parallels Frankenstein’s. The second letter introduces the idea of loss and loneliness, as Walton complains that he has no friends with whom to share his triumphs and failures, no sensitive ear to listen to his dreams and ambitions. Walton turns to the stranger as the friend he has always wanted; his search for companionship, and his attempt to find it in the stranger, parallels the monster’s desire for a friend and mate later in the novel. This parallel between man and monster, still hidden in these early letters but increasingly clear as the novel progresses, suggests that the two may not be as different as they seem. Another theme that Walton’s letters introduce is the danger of knowledge. The stranger tells Walton, â€Å"You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been.†The theme of destructive knowledge is developed throughout the novel as the tragic consequences of the stranger’s obsessive search for understanding are revealed. Walton, like the stranger, is entranced by the opportunity to know what no one else knows, to delve into nature’s secrets: â€Å"What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?†he asks. Walton’s is only the first of many voices in Frankenstein. His letters set up a frame narrative that encloses the main narrativeâ€â€the stranger’sâ€â€and provides the context in which it is told. Nested within the stranger’s narrative are even more voices. The use of multiple frame narratives calls attention to the telling of the story, adding new layers of complexity to the already intricate relationship between author and reader: as the reader listens to Victor’s story, so does Walton; as Walton listens, so does his sister. By focusing the reader’s attention on narration, on the importance of the storyteller and his or her audience, Shelley may have been trying to link her novel to the oral tradition to which the ghost stories that inspired her tale belong. Within each framed narrative, the reader receives constant reminders of the presence of other authors and audiences, and of perspective shifts, as Victor breaks out of his narrative to address Walton directly and as Walton signs off each of his letters to his sister. Analysis: Chapters 1–2 The picture that Victor draws of his childhood is an idyllic one. Though loss aboundsâ€â€the poverty of Beaufort and the orphaning of Elizabeth, for instanceâ€â€it is always quickly alleviated by the presence of a close, loving family. Nonetheless, the reader senses, even in these early passages, that the stability and comfort of family are about to be exploded. Shining through Victor’s narration of a joyful childhood and an eccentric adolescence is a glimmer of the great tragedy that will soon overtake him. Women in Frankenstein fit into few roles: the loving, sacrificial mother; the innocent, sensitive child; and the concerned, confused, abandoned lover. Throughout the novel, they are universally passive, rising only at the most extreme moments to demand action from the men around them. The language Victor uses to describe the relationship between his mother and father supports this image of women’s passivity: in reference to his mother, he says that his fathe r â€Å"came as a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his care.†Elizabeth, Justine Moritz, and Caroline Beaufort all fit into this mold of the passive woman.Various metanarrative comments (i.e., remarks that pertain not to the content of the narrative but rather to the telling of the narrative) remind the reader of the fact that Victor’s narrative is contained within Walton’s. Victor interrupts his story to relate how Elizabeth became a part of his family, prefacing the digression with the comment, â€Å"But before I continue my narrative, I must record an incident.†Such guiding statements structure Victor’s narrative and remind the reader that Victor is telling his story to a specific audienceâ€â€Walton. Foreshadowing is ubiquitous in these chapters and, in fact, throughout the novel. Even Walton’s letters prepare the way for the tragic events that Victor will recount. Victor constantly alludes to his imminent doom; for example, he calls his interest in natural philosophy â€Å"the genius that has regulated my fate†and â€Å"the fatal impulse that led to my ruin.†Victor’s narrative is rife with nostalgia for a happier time; he dwells on the fuzzy memories of his blissful childhood with Elizabeth, his father and mother, and Henry Clerval. But even in the midst of these tranquil childhood recollections, he cannot ignore the signs of the tragedy that lies in his imminent future; he sees that each event, such as the death of his mother, is nothing but â€Å"an omen, as it were, of [his] future misery.†This heavy use of foreshadowing has a dual effect. On the one hand, it adds to the suspense of the novel, leaving the reader wondering about the nature of the awful tragedy that has caused Victor so much grief. On the other hand, it drains away some of the suspenseâ€â€the reader knows far ahead of time that Victor has no hope, that all is doomed. Words like â€Å"fate,†â€Å"fatal,†and â€Å"omen†reinforce the inevitability of Victor’s tragedy, suggesting not only a sense of resignation but also, perhaps, an attempt by Victor to deny responsibility for his own misfortune. Describing his decision to study chemistry, he says, â€Å"Thus ended a day memorable to me; it decided my future destiny.†Summary: Chapter 4 Victor attacks his studies with enthusiasm and, ignoring his social life and his family far away in Geneva, makes rapid progress. Fascinated by the mystery of the creation of life, he begins to study how the human body is built (anatomy) and how it falls apart (death and decay). After several years of tireless work, he masters all that his professors have to teach him, and he goes one step further: discovering the secret of life. Privately, hidden away in his apartment where no one can see him work, he decides to begin the construction of an animate creature, envisioning the creation of a new race of wonderful beings. Zealously devoting himself to this labor, he neglects everything elseâ€â€family, friends, studies, and social lifeâ€â€and grows increasingly pale, lonely, and obsessed. Summary: Chapter 5 One stormy night, after months of labor, Victor completes his creation. But when he brings it to life, its awful appearance horrifies him. He rushes to the next room and tries to sleep, but he is troubled by nightmares about Elizabeth and his mother’s corpse. He wakes to discover the monster looming over his bed with a grotesque smile and rushes out of the house. He spends the night pacing in his courtyard. The next morning, he goes walking in the town of Ingolstadt, frantically avoiding a return to his now-haunted apartment. As he walks by the town inn, Victor comes across his friend Henry Clerval, who has just arrived to begin studying at the university. Delighted to see Henryâ€â€a breath of fresh air and a reminder of his family after so many months of isolation and ill healthâ€â€he brings him back to his apartment. Victor enters first and is relieved to find no sign of the monster. But, weakened by months of work and shock at the horrific being he has created, he immediately falls ill with a nervous fever that lasts several months. Henry nurses him back to health and, when Victor has recovered, gives him a letter from Elizabeth that had arrived during his illness. Analysis: Chapters 3–5 Whereas the first two chapters give the reader a mere sense of impending doom, these chapters depict Victor irrevocably on the way to tragedy. The creation of the monster is a grotesque act, far removed from the triumph of scientific knowledge for which Victor had hoped. His nightmares reflect his horror at what he has done and also serve to foreshadow future events in the novel. The images of Elizabeth â€Å"livid with the hue of death†prepare the reader for Elizabeth’s eventual death and connect it, however indirectly, to the creation of the monster. Victor’s pursuit of scientific knowledge reveals a great deal about his perceptions of science in general. He views science as the only true route to new knowledge: â€Å"In other studies you go as far as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder.†Walton’s journey to the North Pole is likewise a search f or â€Å"food for discovery and wonder,†a step into the tantalizing, dark unknown. The symbol of light, introduced in Walton’s first letter (â€Å"What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?†), appears again in Victor’s narrative, this time in a scientific context. â€Å"From the midst of this darkness,†Victor says when describing his discovery of the secret of life, â€Å"a sudden light broke in upon meâ€â€a light so brilliant and wondrous.†Light reveals, illuminates, clarifies; it is essential for seeing, and seeing is the way to knowledge. Just as light can illuminate, however, so can it blind; pleasantly warm at moderate levels, it ignites dangerous flames at higher ones. Immediately after his first metaphorical use of light as a symbol of knowledge, Victor retreats into secrecy and warns Walton of â€Å"how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge.†Thus, light is balanced always by fire, the promise of new discovery by the danger of unpredictableâ€â€and perhaps tragicâ€â€consequences. The theme of secrecy manifests itself in these chapters, as Victor’s studies draw him farther and farther away from those who love and advise him. He conducts his experiments alone, following the example of the ancient alchemists, who jealously guarded their secrets, and rejecting the openness of the new sciences. Victor displays an unhealthy obsession with all of his endeavors, and the labor of creating the monster takes its toll on him. It drags him into charnel houses in search of old body parts and, even more important, isolates him from the world of open social institutions. Though Henry’s presence makes Victor become conscious of his gradual loss of touch with humanity, Victor is nonetheless unwilling to tell Henry anything about the monster. The theme of secrecy transforms itself, now linked to Victor’s shame an d regret for having ever hoped to create a new life. Victor’s reaction to his creation initiates a haunting theme that persists throughout the novelâ€â€the sense that the monster is inescapable, ever present, liable to appear at any moment and wreak havoc. When Victor arrives at his apartment with Henry, he opens the door â€Å"as children are accustomed to do when they expect a specter to stand in waiting for them on the other side,†a seeming echo of the tension-filled German ghost stories read by Mary Shelley and her vacationing companions. As in the first three chapters, Victor repeatedly addresses Walton, his immediate audience, reminding the reader of the frame narrative and of the multiple layers of storytellers and listeners. Structuring comments such as â€Å"I fear, my friend, that I shall render myself tedious by dwelling on these preliminary circumstances†both remind the reader of the target audience (Walton) and help indicate the relative importance of each passage. Shelley employs other literary devices from time to time, including apostrophe, in which the speaker addresses an inanimate object, absent person, or abstract idea. Victor occasionally addresses some of the figures from his past as if they were with him on board Walton’s ship. â€Å"Excellent friend!†he exclaims, referring to Henry. â€Å"How sincerely did you love me, and endeavor to elevate my mind, until it was on a level with your own.†Apostrophe was a favorite of Mary Shelley’s husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley, who used it often in his poetry; its occurrence here might reflect some degree of Percy’s influence on Mary’s writing.
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