Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Fascism During The 1930 S - 1360 Words
During the 1930’s when Fascism was at it height, populist art fought against the domination of fascism by diverting the fashionable ideals of fascism with the ideas of populism. The US was producing popular art in its populous country to share the rest of the world as an attempt to ward off the Fascists. They decided to distract everybody from Fascism by art, film, dance, etc. that appealed to the similar but different enough ideals of populism and democracy. At this time american democratic society was becoming a more populist place while much of europe was under fascist rule. And as fascism was not working out all that well the american people did not want it to spread. While fascism and populism hold some similarities they are different†¦show more content†¦Popular/ populist art is distinct from pop art, as pop art is art of pop culture (the popular, favorite or most well known culture of the day). Populist art was art that was meant not to appear to the most fashionable but to the common people, the everyday folks. Populist are also was a way to bring art forms that were traditionally reserved or expected of the upper class down to a level where anyone could access them and enjoy them. Practices of classical music or high fine art where made more accessible. The appeal to the common man and the idealization of the common man where ideals that deeply appealed to the culture of the day. Both fascism and populism where ‘pe ople’s party’ in concept. Fascism wanted to flatten societal levels to bring everyone to the same place of rule under the government. Populism wanted to appeal specifically to the common folk to bring them up out of being left in the dust of the higher classes. Mass society was a function of this idea of culture as it brings with it social levelers, that put everyone on the same page socially even just while they participate in that specific part of society. For example, subways are a social leveler by bringing all the different people who need to travel into one place where there is effectively to ranking. Popular culture is a little bit different from mass culture in that popular culture celebrates the common man, and mass culture wants toShow MoreRelatedBenito Mussolinis Doctrine of Fascism Essay1459 Words  | 6 PagesDOCTRINE OF FASCISM Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the leading political system in Italy. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd†- 1723 Words
Assignment ON â€Å"Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd†. Submitted to: Chowdhury Sifat Kamal Course Instructor of Introduction to Business Department of Business Studies Prepared by: Fuad Mohammad Shah - UG01-22-09-007 Kawsar Ahmed - UG01-24-10-023 Md. Emdadul Hasan Santo - UG01-24-10-001 Bachelor of Business Administration Batch – 24, Section – A STATE UNIVERSITY OF BANGLADESH Date of Submission: 20th April , 2011 [pic] â€Å"Company Profile of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd.†[pic] Founder Late A.C.Abdur Rahim (1915-1982) Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited 01. Background Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited was established in 1950A.D. as†¦show more content†¦| |1997 |Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations | |2000 |First India office opened in Ahmedabad | |2001 |Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year†| |2001 |Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations | |2001 |Launched â€Å"Agora†– the first ever retail chain | |2002 |Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service promoting distributed power | |2003 |Established Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. | |2003 |Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy†| |2004 |Metro net Bangladesh, a fiber optic based digital solution provider forShow MoreRelatedCustomers’ Attitudes Towards Retail Chain Store Services in Bangladesh – a Comparative Study Between Retail Chain Store and Small Retail Store6036 Words  | 25 Pages Customers’ attitudes towards retail chain store services in Bangladesh – A comparative study between retail chain store and small retail store Mohammad Zahedul Alam[1] S.M. Sohel Rana[2] Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the customers’ attitudes towards retail chain store services in comparison with the small retail stores in Bangladesh. From the study, it has been found that most of the retail chain stores are selling the quality products with high quality services in the hassleRead MoreA Report on Otobi5847 Words  | 24 Pagesposition of Otobi to its financial success. ââ€" ª Analyze the marketing strategies of the company. ââ€" ª Analyze the effectiveness of the company’s promotional techniques. ââ€" ª Recommend some steps that can assist the company. ââ€" ª Apply the concepts learnt in the business communication course 1.2 Scope The group has chosen Otobi Limited as its choice of company. The furniture industry in Bangladesh can be divided into branded and unbranded furniture. The report is confined to modern, lightweight
Monday, December 9, 2019
EMC Assignment free essay sample
The three human skills are planning, having strategy and leadership. The MAA can use planning to help establish and discover where an organization is at the present time. They can also use planning to determine where it should be in the future, its future state. Planning will show them how to move forward to reach that future state. The reason planning is such an aspect to the MAA is because it will help them to prepare for the outcome of their jobs. Whether it is a bad or good outcome. Why the planning of activities within the medical office is important for the MAA? The planning of activities is very important because to the MAA because this why they can inform students and their families of what is going on. It also helps them to offer services to people and to expand their business. The MAA is also able to establish the funds and time for the activities. We will write a custom essay sample on EMC Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It’s an opportunity for them MAA to participate in the planning of activities to. How the concept of â€Å"empowerment†can make you more effective in your dealings with colleagues in the medical office? Empowerment gives authority in the business the higher your position the more power you have. Empowerment can make me more effective in my dealings with colleagues in the medical office by knowing how high their position is. So I know where I stand on the power platform. It will also make me want to work harder to get to a higher position. I know that the higher my position the higher my power is. I also know that my position in the company helps to promote the company on the way I do my job. With good knowledge about your job and your responsibilities you can make a great difference in a company’s outcome. The better your performance the better chance for your boss to notice your ability with the company. The better the ability with the company the higher the job opportunity. The higher the job opportunity the better chance to be able to help make final decisions on important factors for the company.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Stoic Philosophy free essay sample
Which philosophy would you use as a guide for living? To look at the world through an emotional perspective is to look at the world in error. After learning the many different philosophies I can truly say that Stoicism made the most sense to me. If I had to choose one specific philosophy as a guide for living, Stoicism would be the one. The amount of past experiences where I can blame emotions for getting in the way of the right decision, or emotions stopping me from doing a certain task are endless, as Im sure it is for the average person. To make it plain and simple, Stoicism is to remove emotions completely. As we learned, emotions are what cause disturbance. I believe going through life and living by the Stoic philosophy, it will only benefit you and the way you handle situations. Without emotion your Judgment and thinking process will completely change. We will write a custom essay sample on Stoic Philosophy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You will become a clear thinker, and definitely unbiased. Pleasure nor pain will matter creating a monotone but overall better well being. I tend to agree that the removal of emotions and development of self-control to ife experiences could only benefit myself. From past experiences, I can say that your emotions can get the best of you. When emotions are in play, it can only alter your thinking process, creating confusion and error. For example, when I lost my older cousin at a young age due to a car accident, my emotions got the best of myself and my family. The fear of car accidents and traveling that was put into my head because of that tragic day stayed with me for years. Removing the emotion out of a situation ike that example I could have Just interpreted that death as Just the average Joe you hear about on the news or read in the paper, I wouldnt of had that fear stored in If I had to start living this lifestyle today, there are definitely a few things that you have to remember. Stoics presented their philosophy as a way of life, also a simple one. You have to remember the motivations of stoicism such as the things that have no moral value or the indifferents, virtue and control. A good example of indifferents s things that have physical value such as a house and clothing. Family and relationships have emotional value while your education and knowledge have intellectual value. And while those are things that you can have, virtue is something that must be done and myself must be virtuous while being in control. As I mentioned, we got to learn about multiple different philosophies. Everyone is entitled to their own answer to this test question, but after really getting to know the material, stoicism is the one that really clicked for me. Just from looking at some past xamples, or REALLY thinking about what matters and what is needed, stoicism can show the true purpose and meaning. Removing emotions doesnt mean youre a depressed person who doesnt care about life itself, but to have a different perspective on life and logic. Some might say Stoicism is not normal and that having no emotions isnt possible, but the removal of emotions would make certain things that you would get upset or excited over Just normal and the way life works. Now Im not saying I live by this every minute of my life but if I did have to choose one single
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Commodification and Globalisation in Dubai
Commodification and Globalisation in Dubai Dubai, one of the seven United Arabs Emirates (UAE), has captured the attention of the world as global city with a globally competitive economy. The city is has been known for oil industry but this has been replaced by its comprehensive tourism industry, hosting of events and construction projects. It is therefore evidenced that development of Dubai is line with concepts of globalisation and commodification. Globalisation is a function of Economy, Environment, Culture, Society and Politics, and effect on one result in effect on the other.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Commodification and Globalisation in Dubai specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Commodification is the process by which formerly non- economic things and relationships like institutions, objects, attributes, signs and even people are turned into commercial things whose prime purpose is sale in the market place, as Blunden (1975) explains. According to Mar xist political economy it refers to the extension of market trade to formerly non-market areas, and to the handling of things as if they were a tradable commodity (Blunden,1975) A commodity is typically associated with 3 types of values: use value referring to the design of commodities to meet certain need either physically or psychologically; Exchange value as they can be bought and sold in the market with money, and finally commodities have sign value as they act as mode of self-expression in a battle for social position. (Gottdiener, 2000, 26) In Dubai the global media has influenced the society by laying emphasis on the three value of a commodity. The use value of commodities implies that for every need there a product claiming to satisfy it. This has lead to continue product differentiation to meet the arising needs. Labour in Dubai has been heavily commodified with the growth of the fashion industry. The socialisation of women to do domestic work such as dressmaking, cooking, cleaning and caring for the children among others for free has changed. The Dubai shopping mall is a classic example of how the otherwise non-economic dressmaking has been commodified and the fashioners are making lots of money. The Dubai shopping mall (p5)Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Leisure has been largely commodified in Dubai with distancing from work being perceived as prestigious and a symbol of honour. This is in agreement with Veblen’s observation that, conspicuous leisure; which means distancing oneself from industrial work attracts admiration. (Veblen, 1899). Commodification of labour, education, government service like education among others have been accelerated by globalisation, whose prime aim is to reduce people’s diversity by restric ting individuals’ freedom with the promise of economic gains. Another issue to consider is the increasing commoditization of the city and its impact in the eyes of tourists. According to what Galdauskas (2008) says, commoditization is a two-part complicated process which requires certain efforts and time. However, it must be kept in mind that the process allows to promote the place so that it could bring more profit and attract more tourists. However, Galdauskas (2008) warns that to achieve this goal, one will have to make sufficient alterations concerning the way the place looks and the facilities it can suggest to the newcomers (38). Thus, the question of national identity rises against the idea economical profit. To ensure the balanced correlation between the two, considerable efforts must be made. It is evident that both the part involving â€Å"dramatization of life on the stage†(38), as Galdauskas (2008) put it, and the one concerning the preservation of nationa l identity are leveled in Dubai. However, it does not mean that the process of commoditization must run uncontrolled in the city. Since one of the main concerns of the space regeneration is the idea of keeping the national identity, as Universidad de Barselona (1977) claims (77), it becomes clear that the key priority of Dubai citizen at present is to ensure that tourism can coexist with their national identity – otherwise they will be forced to abandon the former to preserve their sense of national dignity. Still, taking into account the culture of Dubai, it can be considered that its citizen can cope with preserving their national identity. Since people flood Dubai to indulge into sightseeing and all kinds of attractions, they bring certain misbalance into its established structure. Foreign elements in the clockwork of Dubai, they slowly make the city dissolve. To prevent Dubai from being gobbled by another culture, people have to undertake certain measures.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Commodification and Globalisation in Dubai specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another aspect of the problem, the space regeneration, deals with the economical issues. In this case, the principle of mutual recoupment can be put into practice: thus, certain spaces can be restored using the tourism incomes. According to what Universidad de Barselona (1977) suggests, the balance between tourism and the space and place maintenance can be achieved once the â€Å"appropriateness to the work in relationship to the place†(133) has been achieved. However, to achieve this goal, the dwellers of Dubai will have to follow the main principles of the Consumption Theory. Thus, one of the first challenges which the dwellers of Dubai are going to face is how to level the supply and the demand. Utilizing the principle of rationality, as Sherman (2008) suggests (332), it will be possible to achieve the desirable r esult. However, there are certain issues which require special attention of the entrepreneurs and the government of Dubai. For instance, it is crucial for the city to take into account the principle of rationality. Thus, the chief goal of Dubai is to suggest its guests the necessary attractions and entertainments which they suppose to encounter in here. An advancement of an integration agenda between nations and it entails the widening of economic markets (Mittelman, 1997. pp. 2) globalisation has brought various benefits such as: growth of tourism industry through the movement freedom, enhanced trade widen access to information, rapid diffusion of creative and innovations, specialisation of work and benefit from large scale of production where countries produce what they can better and cheaply produce for local and export while they import what they cannot produce, enabling international relations and this has resulted to rapid economic growths as well as improved living standards. The immense impact of globalisation is felt in Dubai from all aspects of life i.e. Economy, Environment, Culture, Society and Politics. The great extent of globalisation in Dubai is demonstrated by its rapidly growing tourism industry with such baits for tourists as: Burj Al-Arab the only seven-star hotel in the world and an international icon of Dubai and Palm Jumeirah- an on-going project of the largest artificial island in the Arabian Gulf. The Dubai’s special features have been a major focus for the global media. (Elsheshtawy, 2004). The hosting of international sports has had immense gains for the Dubai’s economy. Although these prizes are won by the foreigners, they spend some of the money in Dubai. Also the fans of sport come in large numbers to watch the sports further contributing to the growth of tourism industry in Dubai. The city has become well-known for hosting famous tennis and golf tournaments, with Andre Agassi, Roger Federer and Tiger Woods promotin g Dubai. (Student Personal World Wide Web Pages.2) Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More †Golfer Tiger Woods tees off the Burj Al-Arab helipad nearly 1,000 feet above the ground† The integration of Dubai with other emirates to form United Arab Emirate and a further collaboration between the UAE and other countries has opened its market to the foreign investors. â€Å"Dubai attracts foreign investors and corporations because of the considerable economic opportunities offered to businesses there.†(Hollis, 2000, 52) Off shoring is a classic example which entails transfer of commodities from one country to another. Globalisation results in the free movement of people from one region to another. Dubai continues to create global job opportunities for low waged workers. According to Lang LaSalle the employment rate in Dubai has grown to 8.3 percent per annum while the population is growing at 5.8 per cent per annum (2004). This means the economy will continue to get more workforces locally and from interna tional market. The high level of globalisation has had negative effects on Dubai society. Some of the negative impacts of globalisation include: the freedom of movement of people from one country to another has made it difficult for the natives to preserve their culture and religion. Islamic had been the predominant religion in Dubai but with globalisation, other religions come up. This resulted in change of weekend from Saturday –Sunday to Friday-Saturday in a bid to accommodate both Muslims who emphasis on holiness of Friday and Christians who respects Saturday-Sunday. There is a conflict between the native’s culture and the western. In a global market an economic recession affect the whole world with the poor and middle income population being hit harder. As Hari (2009) emphasized, because of the economical crisis in Dubai a number of workers suffered great losses; many of them were not paid and thus could not leave the countries. Hari observed that policemen intimi dated the workers who complained or left their stations. (2009, pp6). Other negative effects of globalisation in Dubai include the increase in the prostitution which is as a result of the rapid growth in tourism. Globalisation enhances capitalism resulting in poor getting poorer thus the poor population of Dubai has turned to illegal business like prostitution, drugs and arms smuggling and also terrorism, as Davidson (2009) mentioned (p. 247). Commodification and globalisation have had both positive and negative impact in Dubai with the former outweighing the later. It is important for Dubai government to come up with policies that will enhance globalisation and commodification for Dubai to be consistent with the national development goals. Government should try to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich and reduce instances of crime and prostitution as this will not only devalue humankind but it also increases disease transmissions. If Dubai has to remain a world class city, i t has to deal with social problems of its citizens. Reference List Blunden, A., ed. Commodification, Encyclopedia of Marxism. [Online] Davidson, Christopher M., 2009. Dubai: the vulnerability of Success. New York, Columbia University Press. Elsheshtawy, Y., 2004. Planning Middle Eastern cities, an urban kaleidoscope in a globalizing world, Stamford, CN, Cengage Learning. Galdauskas, K. et al., 2008. Serving culture: tourists, lobsters and restaurants of Ogunquit, Maine. Ann Arbor, MI, Pro-Quest, Gottdiener, M, 2000. New forms of consumption. Oxford, Blackwell Hari, J., 2009. The dark side of Dubai. The Independent (London). [Online] Hollis, R. 2000. Managing new developments in the Gulf. Washington, DC.Brookings Institution LaSalle, J. L., 2004 Winning cities of the decade [Online] Available at: Sherman, H. J., et al ., 2008 Economics: An Introduction to Traditional and Progressive Views. Armonk, NY, M. E. Sharpe, Inc. Student Personal World Wide Web, n.d. The effect of globalization on Dubai’s economic development: Available at: . [Online] Universidad de Barcelona, 1977 Urban Generation: A Challenge for Public Art. Barcelona, Edicions Universitat Barcelona. Veblen, T. (1899). The Theory of the Leisure Class New York, NY, New America Library
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Clever inventions. The possibilities of the mind
Clever inventions. The possibilities of the mind Useful inventions of all time If asked about the biggest invention of our time, people would probably name the Internet. It allows us to connect with friends around the world and establish connections we never knew existed. You want to talk to your favorite celebrity or find out what has been going on in Eastern Asia? - Google will help you! A hundred years ago, we could not imagine the luxury of interacting with people miles away from us. The credit goes to Lawrence Roberts, the inventor of the first Internet prototype. However, apart from the global communication system, what can we name as the greatest invention? You may argue about the usefulness of this or that device, but we can assure you they have all made a fair contribution to our routine. Where would the mankind be, if it was not for the phone or text messages we are used to exchanging whenever we want to share information? On top of that, we should include some of the things that were necessary for the development of the human race: The wheel. The wheel is truly one of the inventions of the humankind, the value of which cannot be overlooked today. The concept of the first wheel was developed in 3500 B.C., and it was a blessing for everyone. People had massive problems with transporting goods and moving them from one town to another, so we guess this discovery was by far one of the most expected in the history of human civilization. These days, wheels are used everywhere, and the history we know was shaped with the help of this tool. The compass. Do you remember Captain Jack’s compass that showed the thing you wanted most? Well, magic aside, sailors used to navigate by the stars. Suffice to say, it was not a very safe methodic, as it forced them to skip their craft on cloudy evenings or in the daytime. Before the invention of the first compass, captains were bound to obey the mere changes of the weather, and had to wait until the sky was clear again. The situation changed, however, when the compass we know today was invented. The secret to successful navigating is the magnetized needle, which points north. The printing press. As we know, very few people had access to books back in the Middle Ages. The printing press appeared as a revolutionary device and changed the way we perceive printing today. Johannes Gutenberg decided to alter the course of history by inventing a special machine, which pressed ink to the paper so that the paint remained on the surface for long. This is another invention that led to the development of the human race, the importance of which cannot be overstated. The printing devices we have today allow us to immerse in the world of literature and become educated individuals through reading. The telephone. The invention of this device presents a series of experiments, which all led to failure. Many scientists struggled to build an electronic device, which would allow people to communicate via wires. However, electronic transmission did not seem possible until Alexander Graham Bell took the initiative in his hands. He invented the phone in 1876, and was awarded a patent for his discovery that led to revolutionizing the world of communication. He had a lot of successors, who tried to improve the said gadget, and fortunately, phones as we know them today allow to transmit electronic signals at long distances. The light bulb. It is hard to imagine our daily lives without this device. Electricity was in poor state when Thomas Edison decided he would change the face of the world we know. Of course, we cannot attribute this success to his personality alone, as many people played a significant role in inventing the light bulb, but generally, the credit belongs to Edison. Prior to this, we depended on natural lightning and the light of the candles. That was romantic, in some ways, and uncomfortable as well, as people had to work during the day and finish their chores before the sun went down. Now, we can sit up all night and be sure the lightning is bright and comfortable, thanks to the invention that Thomas Edison proudly patented. Penicillin. The story behind the invention of Penicillin is awesome. In 1928 there was a Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming, who conducted a series of experiments in his private laboratory. During one of the experiments, he left a lid on a dish with bacteria opened. Later, he discovered that bacteria were dead as the dish became contaminated with mold. Later, Fleming found out that the mold was called fungus Penicillium, and it was cleared and purified by scientists to turn it into a strong medication, which changed the course of science and was a big history turn in the first half of the 20th century.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Warehousing and distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Warehousing and distribution - Essay Example Continuous improvement, on the other hand, is based on the lean and quality management approach. It is essential to understand this three approaches and how their application in a warehouse can help improve its operations. This paper will discuss, in detail the differences among these three approaches. The paper will highlight several definitions of the three approaches and point out the differences. This essay will also review how the application of lean principles in a warehouse can improve its operations. This essay will start by defining what continuous improvement is. It will give an overview of continuous improvement and a brief history of the concept. It will further define quality management and lean approach and compare this approach to continuous improvement in a warehouse or a distribution centre. It will give a detailed comparison between the quality management and lean approach versus continuous improvement. The essay will then discuss how lean principles can be applied in a warehouse or distribution centre. It will seek to define what lean principles are and what causes waste in the warehouse. The essay will focus on how the application of these lean principles improves processes used in a warehouse. Deming (2000) defines continuous improvement as a long-term approach to work aimed at achieving small, incremental changes in processes so as to improve efficiency and quality. Continuous improvement is also referred to as Kaizen. It is a constant, deliberate effort by an organization to better its information, products, services or processes. For an organization to attain the desired effect of continuous improvement, the changes have to be totally incorporated with a commitment to making them last. An organization should also hire the right personnel or train existing ones how to improve the process. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means change for the better but when translated to English, it means continuous improvement. Dr. W.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
You are called to a small terraced house where a man in his 80s has Essay
You are called to a small terraced house where a man in his 80s has fallen. He is unsure about what happened but his carer indicates that he has a long and complex medical history - Essay Example Older adults are vulnerable to various health issues. Due to their advanced age, they are also likely to suffer from chronic diseases which require full-time care (Poon,, 2003, p. 53). They are also vulnerable to senile dementia which compromises their memory and their normal mental functions. Communicating with these patients can be a major challenge. Moreover, health care interventions cannot be implemented in their behalf without an adequate and accurate assessment carried out on their person (Poon,, 2003, p. 54). However, with limitations in the communication process, the assessment, planning, and treatment of the patient may be compromised. It is possible however to make an accurate review and assessment of the patient based on his current conditions, and based on a review of his history and current health care needs (Poon,, 2003, p. 54). A discussion of these issues can also provide adequate strategies to address the health care needs of the patient. Moreov er, through the application of adequate communication strategies, it is possible to secure a thorough and appropriate plan for the patient’s care. Informed consent and its various applications are part of the core values of health care delivery. There are however specific problems which can be seen when working with vulnerable groups (Milligan, 2011). For those with disabilities or with health issues which limit the application of informed consent, informed consent is still possible and the health care giver still has the obligation to ensure that such consent is gained from the patient. In instances when a patient is unable to make a fully informed decision or does not have the mental capacity to make a decision, the Mental Capacity Act of 2005 must apply. In these instances, the care giver must consult with specific persons, and gain their advice in relation to the patient’s care, as well as what the patient’s
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Role of the American Soldier Essay Example for Free
The Role of the American Soldier Essay We live in a very conflicted world today. Billions of people live in poverty, and war is a reality for everyone. However, there is still hope for freedom and a decent quality of life for all people. The American soldiers are the people responsible for protecting and promoting these ideals. While they dont make the executive military decisions, its their loyalty and dedication towards spreading and protecting democracy and freedom that gives them the ability to do their job exceedingly well. One of the first things that make the American soldiers so good at their jobs is their belief in America. Soldiers are some of the most patriotic Americans because they believe so strongly in American ideals. I think that becoming a soldier and fighting for your country truly allows you to fully comprehend what your country is all about. American soldiers understand and believe in America, and this drives them to do their job and if necessary, die for their country. The United States of America is the worlds leading superpower, so why should we care about the rest of the world? It is because we have a moral obligation to not only protect ourselves, but to help protect innocent people around the globe from evil and tyranny. It is the responsibility of the American soldiers to fight for justice and to keep evil from harming our world. Overall, they are fighting to keep peace, whether its defending an attack or eliminating a threat. In 2003, the staff of Time Magazine did something that they had never done before. They didnt give the Person of The Year award to a single individual, but instead to a whole group of people, the common American soldiers. I understand why they made that decision. The American soldiers are dedicated to protecting America and making the world a better place. They believe so strongly in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that they will die fighting for these ideals. This dedication to their country and beliefs allows them to play a key role in making a better future for humanity.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Compulsory Heterosexuality :: Sexuality Gender Society Essays
Compulsory Heterosexuality In today’s world, as humankind is still in progress, we have a much more liberated world compared to past. In terms of politics, we learned discrimination is not a honourable case to be involved in and we tried to minimize constraints reflected on â€Å"other†races, â€Å"other†nationalities, in short all of the others that are not similar to â€Å"us†. â€Å"Us†is, without doubt, white, Western man. Despite all the back-drawed prejudices of others in the name of liberation, respect and equality, it does not seem to be the situation for non-heteronormatives to live in a peaceful environment. Since I came to Amsterdam as an exchange student this term, I had the opportunity to experience daily-life with all the people from different sexes, genders not considered â€Å"normal†which is rarely the case in Turkey. Amsterdam made me face non-heterosexual world and I realized that these people do suffer from unequal rights mostly in other parts o f the world. I questioned myself as being far away from that topic in the past and it really made sense to me to investigate about supremacy of heterosexuals. In my opinion, only after we learn to respect all kinds of differences out of majority we are able to have liberal minds, which makes the world a better place to live for all people. That is the reason I decided to write my paper on compulsory heterosexuality. To come to main idea, my arguement will be dominantly on heteronormativity. I will try to prove that both heteronormativity and gender are social constructs, which means that they are all learned behaviours by society through culture, tradition and religion. I will show a world where any norms and taboos exist, to turn our origins of nature. I will support my arguement by the works of writers and researchers on that topic. My whole effort will be on to claim that there is nothing called heteronormativity by nature, it can not be. We can not rule out the genes and instinct behaviour of people. It is just a coverage, to live in a reproductive and moral society. My final idea would be to accept all forms of non-heterosexuality as being â€Å"normal†, just like heterosexuality, by ignoring all social constructs to open our mind to a brighter world. Review There is quite extensive research on studies of lesbians and gays and the compulsory heteronormativity. One major researcher is Adrienne Rich.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Homelessness in Ireland Essay
What is Homelessness The Housing Act 1988 defines a homeless person as somebody who has no reasonable accommodation to live in or lives in a hospital, institution or night shelter because of a lack of home. Human Dignity Issue Shelter is a basic human need, yet throughout the word there a people looking for a place to live with dignity. Being homeless is more than just not having a roof over your head – it usually means that a person’s security and belongings needs are also not met. You can become homeless for many different reasons. These could include: * Being evicted * Losing your job * Health problems * A disaster such as fire or flooding In 2009 there were up to 4,000 people reported to be homeless. 800 of them were children and two hundred of these children were under the age of 12. Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, designed a pyramid to explain the basic needs required to protect human dignity. In this pyramid he not only names shelter as a basic human need but also names the need for security. Security needs include the need to be safe and protected when if homeless, is broken. To protect human dignity the local authorities have to take action. Duties of Local Authorities towards Homeless People While the 1988 Act does not impose a duty on housing authorities to provide housing to people who are homeless, it does clearly give responsibility to the local authorities to consider the needs of homeless people and expands their powers to respond to those needs. For example authorities may house homeless people from their own housing stock or through arrangement with a voluntary body. (Simon Community, St Vincent de Paul) The Act also enables the local authority to provide a homeless person with money to source accommodation in a non -governmental institution. In addition to the provisions relating to direct responses to people presenting as homeless, Section 10 of The Act enables local authorities to provide funding to voluntary bodies for the provision of emergency accommodation and long term housing for people who are homeless. The 1988 Act requires that local authorities carry out recurrent assessments of the number of people who are homeless in their administrative area, as part of their housing needs assessment. The Health Service Executive (HSE) has responsibility for the health and in-house care needs of homeless people. In terms of funding, this means that local authorities are responsible for the costs of providing accommodation while the HSE Areas will provide funding for homeless persons’ care and welfare needs, including in-house care. Making a Difference There are many charities and voluntary organisations towards homeless people in Ireland such as: * Simon Community * The Salvation Army * St Vincent de Paul * Sonas Housing * The Peter McVerry Trust One of the biggest in known charities is Focus Ireland. Focus Ireland is a non-profitable organisation made specifically to help homeless people. Ireland, though a relatively modern country has many people, even children ‘sleep rough’ every night and it is our responsibility to help them. References
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Value of Friendship
Kayla Saeteurn Friendship is the Value of Life â€Å"They're a rotten crowd', I shouted across the lawn. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together. ††F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Everyone places value on something for very different reasons. The most significant thing is what our values are and the importance we give to those values. So many things that we think have so much value, really have transient value, and we overlook the things of true and lasting importance. We should always place great value on what is real and genuine. Mostly everyone places great value on life.So hat's the value of life? I believe the value of life consists of many qualities. To me, the main value of life is friendship. Friendships bond the world together by the tie of promises and morality between people. It causes the world to connect in so many diverse ways it is unbelievable. For example, long lasting friendships can be created by Just meeting in a coffee shop or at a gro cery store. The connection with another can give you the ability to see yourself as others see you, and only then you would know how exceptionally special you are.Life is filled and fortified with friendships, rom the first friendships with your parents and family, to your childhood friends, and even teachers. The meaningful outcome of friendship made me realize different goals in my life and profoundly shaped me into who I am today. There's always that one friend that surpasses every other person youVe ever met in your life. The person who has constantly believed in you with all their heart and soul. The one who can lift your spirits by Just saying a few simple words and being there through tenacious struggles that life hurls at you.Typically, that one friend is called your best friend. I would say I have the greatest friend of all time. I know its clich ©, but she's the one person that has made the biggest difference in my life. She's the person that gave me a whole new outlook on life which caused me to make wise decisions for myself and not others. The effect of my best friend has led me to meaningful aspirations and the ambition to always be the best I can be without losing who I am. So basically, this implicates how friendships benefit the world and creates a humbling connection that bonds people together and can sometimes make you reevaluate life.I believe friends can change who you are for the better, whether egatively or positively, the people you surround yourself with have an evocative influence on where your life takes you. A friend can be one of the most goal aspiring and motivational person that encourages you to be a better person. My best friend Specifically, I believe my best friend got me to where I am today. I was a hopeless person that was indecisive of whether to do bad actions or to lose my former friend that never really cared about the true meaning of our friendship. My former friend, which I surrounded myself with was known for the b ad habit of shoplifting and theft.IVe known this girl ever since the third grade and I was great friends with her ever since the incident. Knowing right from wrong, I made the most idiotic and regretful decision of my life, I chose to go in the wrong direction by choosing not to lose her as a friend, and to shoplift. During my friendship with my former friend, our â€Å"hanging out†consisted of going to the mall to rip the tags off items and stuff them in our purses until our purses were too full to fit anything else. The adrenaline of walking through the exits of a store without getting caught really gave my former friend and I a rush.This addicting, yet horrible habit, got the best of me and led me to getting caught at a local store. I had to call my parents and pay a shoplifting fine of $250. Unfortunately, by associating myself with shoplifting, I destroyed my life because of my actions. I'm not putting all the blame on my former friend because, it was my choice to shopl ift and I made the decision that led to the outcome of my stupendous actions. I take all the blame for the brainless choices I made. It was my fault that I surrounded myself with a negative person most of my life.One of the worse things was that my family and former riends at school, assumed I was going to steal their things and they kept my mistake in the back of their mind for years. I was left trying to find a way for my family and friends at school to put their trust in me and realize I transformed into a whole different person and IVe honestly never felt better. Although, the incident led to everyone losing trust in me, the only person who still believed in me was my best friend of four years. She was the only person that still had faith in me and was there for me when no one else was.She was always my number one supporter and ally. My est friend has literally made the biggest difference in my life. I owe it all to her that IVe developed into a person with goals and ambitions t o always improve as a person. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't have my best friend. I realized that by stepping away from pessimistic people and bad actions, I have become a more structured and overall better person. I honestly believe the greatest thing in life is friendship. The moral importance of friendship is that you bond and connect with other people and that kind of relationship can make an enormous impact on your life.Although, it's rare to find a friendship that is long lasting, life changing, and true, that doesn't mean that it won't be meaningful or genuine. One of my favorite quotes is â€Å"To the world you are someone, but to someone you are the world. †By a random woman named Lisa. This quote really explains how friendship and love isn't Just one sided. We are all important and we all deserve the gift of a true friend that loves you for who you are and brings out the very best of you. We always see the worst in ourselves, that's why we need someone to prove us wrong. Friendship is the value of life.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Top Five Factors Contributing to American Ignorance essays
The Top Five Factors Contributing to American Ignorance essays Americans have become not only ignorant about their own country and its political affairs but also have been blind to the impact of five factors that contribute to this ignorance. The influence of family, the media, education, popular culture, and one's own environment are the five sources that have caused the people of the United states to be ill-informed about political affairs. "NEWSWEEK recently asked 1,000 U.S. citizens to take Americas official citizenship test. Twenty-nine percent could not name the vice president(Romano). Many families in the United States derive their main source of information on political matters from their own family members and their family's opinions. They rely upon their family's political party preference or what they learned about politics at home to make their political decisions. But these opinions are not necessarily being based upon what is best for the country but instead are based upon family tradition, such as whether the family identifies with being a democrat or republican, with being a conservative or liberal, or even with being of the middle class, the poor, or of the wealthy of society. Americans have taken for granted that they live in a democracy, and we have become ignorant about our own country because we suffer from a lack of information rather than a lack of ability (Romano. The media is obviously the first place most people think to turn for information on political affairs. What most Americans have not realized is that the prominent news networks most widely watched today are controlled. We are heading towards an election, what they learn about the candidates will be what the media shows them tells them, decides not to show, not to tell (Outfoxed). Fox News is one of the most popular twenty-four hour news networks watched for political opinions and for all-around information on politics. To the public's surprise, several former employe...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Understanging the Parallel Structure of English
Understanging the Parallel Structure of English One of the most common writing mistakes in more advanced English learners writing is parallel structure. Parallel structure refers to structures which are repeated because they are connected by words such as: and, but, and or. These connecting words are referred to as coordinating conjunctions. Here are a few examples of correct parallel structure. Tom enjoys taking hikes, riding his bicycle and paragliding in his free time.I went home, took a shower, changed my clothes and ate some lunch. Here are the same two sentences using incorrect parallel structure: Tom enjoys taking hikes, to ride his bicycle and paraglide in his free time.I went home, take a shower, change my clothes and eat some lunch. In both cases, there is a mistake in parallel structure. Notice how the verb forms in the correct version of the two sentences use the same verb form. In the incorrect version of the sentences, the verb forms are varied. Parallel structure refers to the same structure repeating throughout a sentence. In other words, if the gerund form (ing form) of a verb is used after one verb, all the listed verbs also take the gerund form. Remember: If you are listing verbs after the main verb, keep the verbs in the same form. (verb infinitive, verb gerund) He hopes to play, eat and get some rest.She enjoys listening to music, reading novels and playing tennis.He would like to have some lunch, study and then play the piano. If you are conjugating a number of verbs to relate a story for the same subject, use the same tense. We went to church, bought some lunch, came home, ate and took a nap. There are also other types of parallel structure mistakes. Which two types of mistakes in the parallel structure do you think are made in these sentences? Bob drove carelessly, quickly and in a reckless manner.Peter mentioned that he wanted to go home, that he needed a shower, and go to sleep. ... and the correct versions of the sentences: Bob drove carelessly, quickly and recklessly.Peter mentioned that he wanted to go home, that he needed a shower, and wanted to go to sleep. In the first sentence, adverbs are being used in a list and should continue, rather than injecting an adjective. carelessly, quickly, recklessly, ruthlessly, etc. RATHER THAN carelessly, quickly, and in a reckless (adjective) manner. In the second sentence, the dependent clauses are used that he wanted to go home... that he needed a shower, etc. and should continue in the same manner. Notice also that the verb used in the third clause of this string of clauses is in the present tense, rather than the past as the other clauses. Here is another example of a similar adjective mistake in parallel structure. Which adjective is incorrect? Why? Jennifer appears to be tired, distracted and upsetting. If you answered upsetting, you are correct. The first two adjectives tired and distracted refer to the state that affects Jennifer. In other words, she feels tired and distracted. Upsetting refers to the effect that she has on someone else. Jennifer is upsetting to Jim. In this case, the intent is that Jennifer appears tired, distracted AND upset. All three adjectives refer to how she feels, rather than the effect she has on someone else. Double-Check for Mistakes in Parallel Structure A good way to check for mistakes in the parallel structure is to look for anything you list using commas and make sure the list of equal elements are all in the same form. Parallel Structure Exercise Identify and correct the mistakes in a parallel structure in the following sentences. Alex decided to get up early, go jogging, eat a healthy breakfast and got ready for school.I wish he would listen to his father, take his advice, and applied for a job.James stopped smoking, drinking and to eat too much.Jason invited Tim, her, they and Peter to the wedding.He is an articulate, thoughtful, and meaningfully speaker.Alexander did her homework, cleaned her room, but doesnt play the piano.The politicians hope to clean up, and modernizing this city.Eating healthy food, drinking lots of water and get exercise improves your quality of life.The teachers had graded the tests, completed the reports and meeting with parents before they went on summer vacation.Sheila misses seeing Tom, going on long walks with her friends, and played football. Answers: Alex decided to get up early, go jogging, eat a healthy breakfast and get ready for school.I wish he would listen to his father, take his advice, and apply for a job.James stopped smoking, drinking and to eating too much.Jason invited Tim, her, them and Peter to the wedding.He is an articulate, thoughtful, and meaningful speaker.Alexander did her homework, cleaned her room, but didnt play the piano.The politicians hope to clean up and modernize this city.Eating healthy food, drinking lots of water and getting exercise improves your quality of life.The teachers had graded the tests, completed the reports and met with parents before they went on summer vacation.Sheila misses seeing Tom, going on long walks with her friends, and playing football.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The purpose of this paper is to analyze a significant incident from Essay
The purpose of this paper is to analyze a significant incident from your own experience in which help was needed by another pers - Essay Example Although, adapting to the environment and compromising is sometimes the only way to survive in these times, stronger and more successful are those men who stick to their principles and never deviate no matter what. It is to such people that our world still has a little bit of dignity and humanity left. Many like instances have occurred in my life, forcing me to choose and make important decisions that firmed the path of my life forward and laid foundation of my relationships with people involved. I will quote here one such instance and describe the event and its consequences in detail. I was thirteen years old at that time. Recently, reunited with an old friend who went to US for few years and returned that summer, I used to spend a lot of time playing and chatting with her. We had been together since we both were two years old; added to the fact that we were neighbors; nothing that we did not share and knew about each other. Be it clothes, toys, books, stationary or lunch, we never kept anything to ourselves. Same school, same classes, same locality, we were inseparables. Although her recent visit to US that took a little longer than expected, was a frustrating time for me since I was not a crowd-loving person, and had very few close friends, it did not prove successful in ruining our friendship. When she returned, we reunited with double energy, like the two ends of rubber bands, which doubles their momentum once they are suspended from their farthest ends. Revisiting old memories and catching up on new ones became our favorite pastime. Nevertheless, as they say, the only constant thing on this earth is change (Rupert, 1). Like all good things, this had to end too. Whilst catching up on each other’s recent past stories, I found out that she was dating a boy in our neighborhood ever since she went to US. Amazed and shocked by her recent updates, I decided to keep it to myself only since her reputation was dear to me. On hearing more, I found out that no one in her family knew about the boy, which troubled me a little. Now, it is important to understand why it was a big deal. Since our community is very conservative about inter-gender relationships, young teenagers seen dating or even talking together were scandalized and reprimanded. Therefore, my first reaction was that of fear and anxiety since I did not want her to get into any trouble. Nevertheless, the daring and spoiled kid she had always been, she did not pay attention to me. Now, I turn to the climax where the incident occurred. So one fine day, I was at home, alone since it was afternoon, and my mother had gone to shop for groceries. I hear a doorbell and I saw my friend in the peephole, surprised and delighted at the same time. When I opened it, she greeted me with over excitement and it was then when I sensed something weird. I asked her to come inside to which she declined. Then, she stated her purpose, which caught me by utter despair and shock. She announced that she was going to see her boyfriend at his place and wanted me, her best friend, to accompany her. Now this was a real tricky situation for a recently turned teenager who had a picture-perfect life with no such deviant experiences. I looked at her in complete disbelief to which she gave an incredibly surprising normal reaction. I tried to talk her out of it but she would not listen. She kept on arguing and convincing me to agree to her crazy
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Cost-Benefit of Well Employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Cost-Benefit of Well Employees - Essay Example Indeed, the recommendations are pertinent and plausible although some are quite difficult to get implemented. It is essential for strategic planners of a business enterprise to reduce its long run health care costs and per employee expenditures by ensuring hygienic, safe, nutritious and secure food stuff at canteens and organization’s cafeterias. Although, the short-run costs would be high since employers have to make huge investments and to subsidize these products to make them affordable for employees. Yet, it is worthwhile to mention that it would reduce total organizational health budgets and number of disease affected employees while simultaneously result in higher productivity and efficiency. However, workers suffering from inherited, sexually transmitted or other diseases (including Aids, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Brain Tumor, Kidney problem, diabetes etc) are excluded from this list as they need cure / medical treatment on regular basis. Firms can take a mandatory comprehensive medical test to prevent their entrance. The second recommendation would be quite useful as i t would help creating a safe and healthy working environment that would be beneficial for all employees. Quite unequivocally, addiction to detrimental smoking habit is attributable to aggressive persuasive advertising by Tobacco companies, which are inclined to reap benefits at the expense of others. It is impossible for addicts or occasional smokers (who are also workers) to completely get rid of Smoking. Similarly, companies may also not influence their employees to give up smoking even after conducting inter-organizational campaigns, personality development, training and health hazards programs. Hence, at least they could force workers to kick the habit outside the workplaces, thereby also hampering non0smokers from getting interested in Smoking. Without any doubt, Health is Wealth. A healthy, physically
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Chevy Silverado advertisement, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chevy Silverado advertisement, - Essay Example Luther king Jnr in the commercial as the theme song progresses with the words â€Å"I believe there is a dream for everyone†is aimed at provoking the mind of the potential customer that the Silverado is their dream car. It is also a car for the entire American population; black or white. The use of the images of Armstrong on the moon shows it can be viewed as a truck of prestige. The landing of man on the moon was a prestigious occasion for America. The technology involved in doing it could also suggest that the Chevy is a technologically advanced truck. There are images of the hurricane’s devastating effects with an older make of the Chevy being used for the reconstruction. This portrays the Chevy brand as reliable trucks. The three historical events have all brought the American people together. It could be in different fronts but their happening has brought a sense of unity to the country. The Martin Luther King brought the fight for civil rights and won the fight against racial segregation. This united the American races. The landing on the moon for the first time also brought Americans together in pride. The hurricanes that have devastated the people of America have also seen the country unite in agony and gloom. The larger picture is that the car is a unifying factor. They show the Silverado as a car with rich history and indispensible value. Chevy has used these events in their commercial effectively but not accurately. If the events were to compel the buyers, they should have had more emphasis laid on them. The events should have been played slowly. The commercial is very fast paced and has a very busy theme with so many clips flashing by. However, the average American should understand the context. Apart from the used historical events, Chevy could have considered the use of the bombing of the W.T.O. It would have portrayed the vehicle as a strong truck against the background of the falling houses. This would not be any different from the Hurricane
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Screening And Bioassay Of Thyroid Hormones
Screening And Bioassay Of Thyroid Hormones The purpose this section is double: too described the methods for determination of the hormones, which became seperate by the thyroid gland and to descriptive investigation of the thyroid function in the experimental models. To information over hypothalamisch pituità ¤re thyroidsystem and, you see its investigation the sections on hormones of the preceding Pituitary (N.7) and hypothalamischen hormones (N.9). The thyroid gland separates two kinds of hormones: the thyroid hormones i.e. Lthyroxin (T) and Triiodothyronine (T34) the metabolic functions have and into neural development to be referred and calcitropic the hormone, Calcitonin. The system of functions for the metabolic regulation, which is helpful by the thyroid hormones, is to the complex system for regulation calcium and phosphate balance ful  ¬Ã‚ completely differently, lled is by (thyro) Calcitonin, ready hormones of the Parathyreoid glands and the Calciferolhormone (in former times the vitamin D) produced by the live r and the kidneys and activated in the skin. The biological main effects of T3and T4 are on growth and development (e.g., development of Tadpoles), it calorigenic effect (increase of the fundamental metabolic rate), the cardiovascular function (sensitivity of the heart increases to the Benzkatechinaminen) and metabolic functions (Lipid, coal hydrate and Kollagenmetabolismus). The primary back discussion effect is inhibition of the thyroid-suggesting isolation of the hormone (TSH). These effects can be used, in order thyroid hormone correspondences and stoffwechselprodukte to examine. The thyroid hormones adjust iodine lifting and application in the thyroid, and its activity can be restrained by Antithyroiddrogen. Historical biological drug tests are based on Morphogenese and neural development in the amphibians (Biedl 1916; Pit tri verse and Tata 1959; Copp et al. 1962; Turner and Premachandra 1962). Thyroid hormones cause premature metamorphosis into that amphibiously for Tadpole s. Since  ¬Ã‚ observation rst by Gudernatsch (1913a, 1913b) this phenomenon by the numerous workers with the purpose of the adjustment of this answer for the sample thyroidal of the substances (Bomskov 1937) was studied. Within a short period the treatment with thyroid hormones causes the transformation of the Tadpole into a small frog with growth of the members, the lungs and other terrestrial equipments, and suggests the synthesis of the enzymes Morphogenese and transformation mediating. The Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum or tigrinum) was used like a Testgegenstand, in order to study the metamorphosis, which is caused by thyroid hormones. This animal loses the Kiemen and forms the lungs and changes at the same time the form of its end piece (Huxley and Hogben 1922; Zavadovsky and Zavadovsky 1926; Haffner 1927). Another basic rule activity of T3and T4 is metabolic activation and increased energy expenditure. Kreitmair (1928) standardised thyroid preparations using the weight loss of the guinea pigs after 1 week of the festiveness ment as parameter. A guinea pig unit was at least reduced de  ¬Ã‚ , which is as the dose ned, those the body weight of the guinea pigs with an initial weight 250-300g within 7 days by 10%. Another function role by Calcitonin is helpful. Hypocalcemic the hormones Calcitonin by Copp one discovered (Copp et al. 1962; Copp 1964). Calcitonin develops from parafollicular the C-cells of the thyroid. Its function antagonist is Parathyreoid hormone. The biological drug testing of the Calcitoninvorbereitungen is accomplished, by determining its ability to lower the plasma calcium in the rat. Sample of serum (thyro) Calcitonin has one signi  ¬Ã‚ inclination diagnostic role for thyroid cancer ulcer. As with other hormones, research methods of the biological drug tests of the thyroid hormone activity up to direct measure of the thyroid hormones (Thyroxin and Triiodothyronine) and their Stoffwechselprodukte, up to investigations over enzy matic steps in the thyroid hormone synthesis and inactivating, up to identi  ¬Ã‚ the cation of the thyroid hormone receivers than members of the superfamily of the nuclear receivers and up to signaling are get ahead, that by operation difficulty of the thyroid hormones to their receivers are caused.. Thyroid Hormone Receptors Obligatory proteins of the Kerntriiodothyronine were puri  ¬Ã‚ OD and characterized by Torresanai and Anselmet (1978). Ichikawa and DeGroot (1987a, 1987b) described puri  ¬Ã‚ the cation and the marking Ratteleberder nuclear thyroid hormone receiver and thyroid hormone receivers in a human Hepatomazellform. Apriletti et al. (1988) reported spacious puri  ¬Ã‚ cation of the nuclear thyroid hormone receiver rat liver and sequence speci  ¬Ã‚ C of the operation difficulty of the receiver to DNA. Ichikawa et al. (1988) and Ichikawa and Hashizume (1991) published methods of aqueous two-phases (Dextran and PL glycol) study of the nuclear thyroid hormone receivers distributing. Glucocorticoids, other Steroidhormone, thyroid hormones and vitamin-derived hormones (inclusively retinoids) all have their effects by the regulation of the hormone-accomodating goal genes within the cell core. William and Franklyn (1994) repeated the physiology of the Steroidschilddrà ¼se hormone nucle ar receiver Superfamily. A receiver-connected protein of the nuclear hormone, which restrains transactivation by the thyroid hormone and retinoic the sour receivers, became of Burris et al. described (1995). Two different genes code two different thyroid hormone receivers, thyroid hormone receiver ÃŽ ± and thyroid hormone receiver ÃŽ ² and these two thyroid hormone receivers frequently on different levels in the different fabrics are CO-expressed. Chiellini et al. (1998)  ¬Ã‚ high af nity subtype selective Agonist sketched ligand for the thyroid hormone to one receiver ÃŽ ². The expression of thyroid hormone receiver ISO form in the rat growth disk cartilage in vivo became of Ballock et al. described (1999). Yuan et al. (1998) Coaktivator protein of the thyroid hormone (CASE) described a component of a receiver-connected complex, which affects direct the nuclear receivers on a ligand-dependent way. The sequence thyroid hormone answer of the element and the reinforcement retinoid of the x-receivers for thyroid hormone reactivity became of Wu et al. investigated. Thyroidectomy PURPOSE AND RATIONALE Experiments for pharmacological evaluation of thyroid hormones and analogs were performed in thyroidectomized rats. Bomskov (1937) described the method of thyroidectomy in various animal species, such as tadpoles, frogs, birds, goats, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice, based on the clinical experience with thyroid resection in humans. PROCEDURE The thyroid in rats consists of three lobes (left, median, and right). The rat is anesthetized, e. g., with pentobarbital, and placed on a surgical table. The fur of the neck is removed with electric clippers and the area disinfected. A median skin incision of 2.0 cm length is made. On both sides large salivary glands and maxillary lymph nodes are found. They are pushed aside, making visible the musculus hyoideus covering the trachea. This muscle is split in the midline. The isthmus of the thyroid connecting both lobes is located below the thyroid cartilage. The lobes and the isthmus are separated with blunt forceps from the trachea and the blood vessels ligated. Alternatively, the thyroid can be removed by electrocauterization. In most cases, the parathyroid glands are severed by the operation, and postoperative substitution with calcium lactate 1% in drinking water is advised. In Vivo Tests for Thyroid Hormones Oxygen Consumption PURPOSE AND RATIONALE Basal metabolic rate, oxygen consumption and CO2 production are increased by thyroid hormones. This has been used for diagnostic procedures in humans as well as for evaluation of thyroid hormones and their derivatives in animals (indirect calorimetry). The historical method based on survival time of mice placed individually into tightly closed glass jars (Smith et al. 1947; Basil et al. 1950; Gemmill 1953) was modi ¬Ã‚ ed, measuring time until occurrence of convulsions. The method was based on the increase in oxygen consumption associated with the markedly increased metabolic rate at high doses of thyroid hormones. PROCEDURE This is a description of the now obsolete assay: mice are placed individually into 200-ml wide-necked bottles. The bottom of the bottles is covered with  ¬Ã‚ lter paper to soak up the urine. The bottles are tilted to an angle of 60 ° and rotated  ¬Ã‚ ve times per minute in a special apparatus. The time until asphyctic seizures occur is noted. Immediately after observation of seizures, the mouse is released for recovery. Due to the de ¬Ã‚ ned muscle work, the time to seizures is shortened in controls to 20-30 min. EVALUATION Average time to seizures was calculated and dose- response curves were established. MODIFICATIONS OF THE METHOD Similar studies were reported by: Bomskov 1937; Lilienthal et al. 1949; MacLagan and Sheahan 1950; Reineke and Turner 1950; Anderson 1954; Heming 1964; Turner 1969 Several apparatuses have been designed to measure oxygen consumption in animals, e. g., by Holtkamp et al. (1955). Stock (1975) described an automatic, closed-circuit oxygen consumption apparatus for small animals. A Perspex animal chamber is surrounded by a water jacket except for one end, which has a removable cover plate. This cover, as well as allowing access to the chamber interior, also holds the connections for the oxygen delivery line and the pressure line. For experiments involving injections, infusions, and blood sampling, catheters are passed through, and sealed into rubber bungs which are then forced into holes in the cover plate. A rubber gasket forms an airtight seal between the cover and the chamber. Within the chamber, the animal is supported on a wire grid over a layer of self-indicating soda lime and silica gel. A major determinant of sensitivity in this system is the dead space of the chamber. Chambers with internal dimensions of 20 10 10 cm are suitable for animals such as mice and rats up to about 250 g body weight. Fixed volumes of oxygen are introduced into the chamber by an automatic syringe dispenser (Fisons Scienti ¬Ã‚ c) which draws pure oxygen from a spirometer through a drying tube  ¬Ã‚ lled with silica gel. When chamber pressure exceeds atmospheric by about 3 mmH2O, the microdifferential pressure switch (KDG Instruments) inactivates the dispenser. The dispenser is reactivated when the pressure differential drops below this threshold value. The volume of oxygen dispensed is adjusted to the smallest volume that, with a single action of the syringe, will return chamber pressure to above the threshold value. The particular dispenser used in this system has the advantages of being (1) gas tight and (2) when activated will complete its pump cycle even if the chamber pressure exceeds the threshold value in midcycle. A discrete  ¬Ã‚ xed volume of oxygen is delivered each time it is activated. To obtain the rate of oxygen consumption it is merely necessary to record the pump rate. Inhibition of Iodine Release PURPOSE AND RATIONALE The thyroid gland has a high avidity for iodine, uptake of which may be measured by isotope-labeled iodine ( 131I), in a dose-related and time-dependent manner. The release of131 I from the thyroid in rats is inhibited by treatment with thyroxine (Wolff 1951), and the degree of inhibition is related to the dose administered (Perry 1951). This phenomenon was used to compare activity of thyroid hormone derivatives with the standard thyroxine. For analytical and diagnostic purposes, direct quantitation of thyroid hormones is now achieved by methods such as radioimmunoassay and HPLC chromatography, and by measuring feedback inhibition of thyroid hormones directly via the decrease in serum TSH. PROCEDURE Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 180-240g are fed a commercial laboratory chow without or with addition of 0.03% propylthiouracil (reference compound for thyroid peroxidase inhibition). Food is withheld 8 h before the injection of 25  µC131I or 125 I intraperitoneally. Radioactivity over the thyroid region of the neck is determined 40 h later (if necessary under sedation). This reading is taken as time zero and all fur-ther counts made at 24-h intervals may be expressed as a percentage of time-zero counts after correction for physical decay of the 131I isotope. After the reading at time zero, the diet is changed to a feed containing 0.03% propylthiouracil, and several doses of the test preparation or the standard are injected subcutaneously at 24-h intervals up to a total of four doses. The daily loss of 131I is inversely proportional to the dose of thyroid hormone. EVALUATION Percentage of time-zero counts after 96 h of Iremaining in the thyroid after the last of four doses is plotted against logarithm of dose. From these dose-response curves, potency ratios are calculated. The method has been used by several authors: Reineke and Turner 1950; Anderson 1954; Turner and Premachandra 1962 CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE METHOD The assay described here was used for quantitative estimates and has now been replaced by analytical determination of thyroid hormone contents. For human drug formulations, bioequivalence studies are required when generic formulations are assessed This approach of measuring the uptake and release of labeled iodine may be modi ¬Ã‚ ed for short-term uptake of 131I or 125 as a parameter of thyroid peroxidase inhibition by antithyroid drugs, and other drugs affecting thyroid function. Anti-Goitrogenic Activity PURPOSE AND RATIONALE Thyroid weight and size are controlled by the action of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) on thyroid tissue. In rats, increased secretion of TSH induces thyroid enlargement and weight increase within a few days (addressed as goiter formation). In normal animals the secretion of TSH by the pituitary is regulated by feedback of thyroid hormones. The administration of goitrogenic compounds which block thyroid hormone synthesis and/or secretion reduces the concentrations of circulating thyroid hormones (T)and their pituitary effect (negative feedback inhibition of TSH secretion), releasing TSH from its feedback inhibition. The TSH rise induces hyperplasia of the thyroid follicles as indicated by the dose-related increase of thyroid weight. Hyperplasia is prevented by injection of thyroxine, triiodothyronine or thyroid hormone analogs. PROCEDURE Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 150-180 g are used in groups of eight to ten animals. During the treatment period, 0.1% propylthiouracil (PTU) is added to the food or to the drinking water, in order to achieve a stable baseline of thyroid weight. Over a period of 2 weeks, the rats are treated (preferably by gavage) with various doses of the test compound or the thyroxine standard (10-40  µg/kg). PTU controls are treated with the suspension medium or saline injections only. At autopsy on day 14, the thyroid glands are dissected out and weighed rapidly to avoid evaporation loss. Thyroids may also be lyophilized  ¬Ã‚ rst to weigh dry matter. The two- to three-fold increase of thyroid weight by PTU is reversed dose-dependently to normal values by thyroid active substances. EVALUATION Dose-response curves are plotted and potency ratios with con ¬Ã‚ dence limits may be calculated. MODIFICATIONS OF THE METHOD Similar studies were reported by: Reineke et al. 1945; Pitt-Rivers and Tata 1959; Turner and Premachandra 1962; Wiberg et al. 1964; Ortiz-Caro et al. 1983; Pisarev et al. 1994 The effect of PTU-induced baseline suppression is monitored and ascertained by measuring serum TSH, T4 and T.The dose-related inhibition of the TSH rise by thyroid substances is used as the parameter to assess goiter prevention. Tensile Strength of Connective Tissue in Rats, Modi ¬Ã‚ ed for Thyroid Hormones These studies are an example of evaluating the biological effect of high doses of thyroid hormones on tissues other than those involved in the increase of metabolic rate. Thyroid hormone secretion affects almost all tissues in the body, and high doses may exert unwanted effects on connective tissue. Antithyroid drugs general views Antithyroiddrogen obstruct synthesis, release and/or the auxiliary activity of the thyroid hormone and lower the basic conversion. They are used in the treatment of the thyroid disturbances (Hyperthyreose). The reconciliation of the isolation T4/T3 reduces thyroidal inhibition of the pituità ¤ren gland, zunehmenTSH isolation and causes then the goitrogene answer. This answer was used to determine over Antithyroiddrogen and for Siebungverfahren at most was used. It is however nonspeci  ¬Ã‚ C and can by some different mechanisms, including enzyme induction of glucuronyltransferases be caused. The goitrogene answer is from the considerable interest in the toxicology, because it can be produced by some means during the early drug evaluation, which the bio-synthesis and/or inactivating of the thyroid hormones change in an unexpected way. Inhibition of the iodine elevation in the rats PURPOSE AND BASIC PRINCIPLE Propylthiouracil (PTU) and a broad spectrum of the drugs can restrain thyroid hormone synthesis. Some these drugs are used, in order to treat thyrotoxicosis. As consequence of the Schilddrà ¼seperoxydasehemmung the iodine lifting is reduced through and contents in the thyroid. This phenomenon is mix dependent and can appear to increase thyroid weight in the rats (McGinty and Bywater 1945) at the untereren doses as those. The historical parameter of iodine contents was replaced, by measuring a lifting and the release of 131I. PROCEDURE 131I. Groups of the male Wistar rats age 26-28 days and weigh 40-45 g, set within metabolism frameworks. They are drawn in normal diet, and potassium iodide is added the drinking water. In modes  ¬Ã‚ a cation of the method (for toxicology studies), can be added the test means or the reference standard (some concentrations) of the diet over a length of time by 10 days, and the quantity of the means taken by each rat then computed expressed by the total food consumption in 10 days and in the milligram daily paper per kilogram body weight. After 10 days of the treatment, the rats are sacri  ¬Ã‚ ced and the thyroids dismembered freely from the adjacent fabric and from the cap. The thyroid is weighed and determined iodine contents. In the daily doses of between 0.1 and 10.0 mg/kg, Thiouracil reduces iodine contents of the thyroid in a mix-dependent way. Higher doses De  ¬Ã‚ nitely are necessary, in order to increase thyroid weight. EVALUATION responding to the dose curves of the test means and reference standard are plotted, and force conditions with fraud  ¬Ã‚ dence delimitations can be computed. CHANGES of the METHOD Walker and Levy (1989) used transplantable tablets of Propylthiouracil, in order to cause thyroid malfunction in the rats. Lift marked iodine in place of of iodine contents one measures. Release of marked iodine knows through protirelin (TRH) injection to determine over thyroid function or become lively as quantitative biological drug testing for the effect of the hypothalamischen hormone TRH. Antithyroidal of effects in the animal samples the Sauerstoffverbrauch in iodine-treated mice was used as biological drug testing, modes  ¬Ã‚ OD for Antithyroidtà ¤tigkeit. PURPOSE AND BASIC PRINCIPLE historical biological drug testing are based on Sauerstoffverbrauch, which is increased acutely potassium iodidetreated the mice, with the result of a decrease of the asphyxiation time (thyroid activation). This effect is the dose-dependent, which are fought through antithyroidal means, and which is to time to the cramps because of the reduced metabolic rate extended. The methods is based on increased Sauerstoffverbrauch after thyroid hormones (section. N.5.1.1) are applied. CHANGES of the METHOD thyroid weight was an early parameter for querying the Antithyroidtà ¤tigkeit. Rabbit treated with goitrogenen means or with Kohl (Chesney et al. 1928 exclusively drawn in; Navy et al. 1929) a tenfold increase of the thyroid weight to shown, histological announce as hyperplasia without kollodiale arrangement. These phenomena were waived by iodine treatment (Bomskov 1937). Kropfanordnung as side effect of non steroidal anti-  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ in ammatory the drugs became of Mueller et al. studied (1985). Calcitonin general views calcitropic the hormones (thyro) Calcitonin was discovered in the C-cells of the thyroid gland of Copp (Copp et al. 1962; Copp 1964, 1994). This hypocalcemic hypophosphatemic ba sic rule of the thyroid gland (Austin and heath 1981) became thyrocalcitonin of deer et al. (1964), Munson and deer (1966), Raisz et al. (1967) and MacIntyre (1992) characterized. Its calcitropic effects on bone and kidney function are opposite those of the Parathyreoid of hormone. Calcitonin develops from parafollicular the C-cells of the thyroid. Calcitoninabsonderung can be evaluated using the located gedurchstrà ¶mten pig thyroid (Pento 1985) in vitro. Radioimmunoproben for Calcitonin are present (Tashjian and Voelkel 1979), and sort speci  ¬Ã‚ C methods for Calcitoninermittlung must be regarded. Samples for Calcitoninempfà ¤nger were described (Nissenson et al. 1985). Overviews on effects of the exogenous Calcitonin were given by Deftos (1989); Braga (1994); Embankment oh et al. (1999). The biology and the clinical meaning of the Calcitoningenpeptide were repeated (Reginster 1993; Silverman 2003; Zaidi et al. 1990). Decrease of the serum calcium at the rats PURPOSE AND BA SIC PRINCIPLE the biological drug testing of the Calcitoninvorbereitungen using their ability to lower the plasma calcium accomplished in the rat. Also with the pharmacopeias, existing using the international reference preparation for the Calcitonin (pigs) of gefriertrocknetem puri  ¬Ã‚ OD pork Calcitonin was accepted, and during the international reference preparation consisting this procedure for the Calcitonin (salmon) of gefriertrocknetem puri  ¬Ã‚ OD synthetic Lachscalcitonin. These samples for Calcitoninquantitative regulation however were replaced now by a physicochemical method for pharmaceutical quality control. Either intravenous or subkutane administration can be selected. International standards for Lachscalcitonin, Aal Calcitonin and the Asu 1-7 correspondence of Aal Calcitonin are expenditure work CCIT (Zanelli et al. 1990). A second international standard for pig and human Calcitonins was manufactured by an international cooperative working group, those on dru g testing biological in vivo rat hypocalcemia (Zanelli et al. 1993) are based. If the groups of at least female Wistar rats  ¬Ã‚ of the VE, weighing 100-120g, PROCEED are used. Three doses standard preparation (1, 3 and 9 MU per rat) and three doses test preparation are intravenously injected. Then 1 h is taken back after injection, blood under bright anaesthesia. Plasma calcium is determined through  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ ame Photometrie or by Atomabsorptionsphotometrie. EVALUATION responding to the dose curves of decreases at the plasma calcium manufactured and force conditions with fraud will become  ¬Ã‚ dence delimitations computed. CHANGES of the METHOD similar studies were reported past: Kumar et al. 1965; Munson et al. 1968; Rittel et al. 1976; Schwartz et al. 1981; Michelangeli et al. 1983; Findlay et al. 1985; Dollar and Maxl 1990; Deming et al. 1994 Yates et al. (1990) determined the acute hypocalcemic answers to individual subkutanen injections of the Calcitoninvorbereitungen into intact young Swiss mice man of the ICR, which weighed 12-20 G. Calcitonin of the Stingray and the SH gold  ¬Ã‚ became of Sasayama et al. marked (1992, 1993). Kapurniotu and Taylor (1995) led hypocalcemic in-vitroproben in the mice by analysis of the serum calcium 1 h after subkutaner injection of lactambridged correspondences of the human Calcitonin through. Effect of Calcitonin on Osteoclasts in vitro PURPOSE AND BASIC PRINCIPLE Calcitonin proceeds mainly in accordance with inhibition osteoclastic of the bone admission (Friedman and Raisz 1965; Aliapoulios et al. 1966). Zaidi et al. (1990, 1994) the development reported and on the validation of three microbioassays for the Calcitonin, which was based on calcitonin caused inhibition of the activity of the located osteoclasts. PROCEDURES of thigh legs and Schienbeine are removed from the newborn Wistar rats. The bones are released to fà ¶talem calf rum, benzyle penicillin (100  µU/ml) and Streptomycin by the adhering soft fabrics and means 199 HEPES moderate by the cut over their Epiphyses in supplemental with heat-inactivated (100  µg/ml). Osteoclasts are mechanically divided, by exciting the bones of each rat with a Skalpellblatt into a 1 ml-means curetting and the abolition with a pipette. Larger fragments will let agree for 10 s, before the Supernatant on suitable substrate fall one leaves (bone disks, PlastikPETRISCHALEN or glass cover glasses). Motilità ¤t created system the morphologic appearance of the stained osteoclasts is used like an index, in order to determine the condition cell plasma tables of the activity. Osteoclasts are agreed upon on coverglass in t he micro titer wells and become for minute of 20 at 37 °C. expenditure-bred. The cover glasses are removed into different wells, each contained 100  µl means, put washed with means 199 and. After a further Ausbrà ¼tung for minute of 30 (37 °C), those series dilutions (tenfold) salmon or human Calcitonin or test preparations or suitable dilutions of the plasma samples are added. The cells are  ¬Ã‚ , nally for 2 h, which are expenditure-bred  ¬Ã‚ , which are stained in the 10% Glutaraldehyd xed and with Toluidinblau. The condition of the Motilità ¤t of everyone, which is osteoclast on each cover glass, is counted, by observing the characteristic deformation, which these cells go through, when Motilità ¤t is restrained; a freely mobile cell marked by a smooth outline by increased staining intensity over everything or partially its periphery, while a immotile cell usually an irregular slat-outline without call  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ Edrà ¤nder shows. The number immotile cells is co unted and expressed on each cover glass, how a percentage of the total number cells counted. Cytoplasmatic spread system Osteoclasts are agreed upon in the fabric cultural plates (35 millimeters) and expenditure-bred at 37 °C, so that minute permits 20 sediment formation and accessories. The cells are washed with means 199 and to 2 ml the same means into everyone well are then put. The plates are put converted into the Ausbrà ¼tungraum of phase contrasting microscope. Pictures osteoclasts are noted on a time mistake video equipment. A pursuit of their will outline by a digitization system brought into a computer, programmed, in order to measure the range within each pursuit. Those outline of osteoclast everyone before or after the additive of Calcitonin or from carrier to the cultures are noted. For each variable outline by six osteoclasts after a 60-Minute-Ausbrà ¼tung in the area and again in the 40 pursued, which is following minimal the additive of the hormone. The central s urface taken off by six osteoclasts, after Ausbrà ¼tung is expressed as percentage of the central surface osteoclasts before the additive of the hormone or the carrier. Bone photograph system of copies of the human kortikalen thigh bone are received from the donors (patients, who died without proof of the bone illness). The adhering soft fabric is removed and the bone crust cut longitudinal in disks (0,1 millimeters strongly). The disks are then cut into pieces (approximately 3 millimeter of 2). It through ultrasonication (minute of 15, in the sterile distilled water), drained cleaned stored by immersion 80% in aqueous ethanol for 2 h, and, in order to dry at room temperature. Osteoclasts located 199 in means will fallen on 12-16 bone disks, which were put well in 18 Millimetermultiweltellers. After Ausbrà ¼tung (37 °C, minute of 15), the disks are removed, and washed easily supplemented in the minimum substantial means with 10% FCS and antibiotics, as described above. They are put to well-being contained  ¬Ã‚ VE into different wells, each to six disks in 900  µl means. After further Ausbrà ¼tung (37 °C, the 10% humidi  ¬Ã‚ OD CO, minute of 10), is contained added  µl 100 of the means the test concentration of the hormone or the Testlà ¶sung. Human PTH (1-34) (0,1 U/ml) one uses, in order to determine function effects of the contamination of osteoblasts. The Calcitoninentsprechungen is examined with different concentrations (tenfold dilutions). Finally bone disks are expenditure-bred over night (37 °C, the 10% humidi  ¬Ã‚ OD CO2 18 h). The cells are  ¬Ã‚ , which is examined by transferred light microscopy in the Glutaraldehyd xed, with Toluidin blue stained and. Osteoclasts and in-full of seeds cells are counted. The disks are bleached then by immersion in the sodium hypochlorite solution for 30 minimum and drain 80% in aqueous ethanol. Finally are they squirt covered with the gold, randomized and in an electronic microscope of sca nning examined. The numbers osteoclastic weakening, each de  ¬Ã‚ , which is by a continuous edge ned, are counted. The range of the bone surface resorbed is computed, by one outline the concavity into a digitization tablet pursued, connected with a microcomputer. Surfaces of the admission can be expressed as per cent age of the means of the tax answer. EVALUATION data of each sample using the classical methods for analysis of the parallel line samples are analyzed. Estimations of the relative forces are computed of the parallel machine log book addressing on the dose lines of the test preparations and the reference preparation. Osteoclasts are divided and absent-minded mechanically by the long bones of the newborn rat at the low densities on disks devitalized of the cattle cartilage bone. The result areas of the bone weakening are quanti  ¬Ã‚ OD with mikrometric precision, by them electron microscopy as well as computer-assisted image analysis scanning. These  ¬Ã‚ ndings are used, in order to develop a formal biological drug testing for Calcitonin. Reacts to receiver operation difficulty and camp accumulation in located cells PURPOSE AND BASIC PRINCIPLE the human cancer of the breast cell form T47D to Calcitonin and his correspondences by receiver operation difficulty and accumulation of the camp. This can as biological sample (Findlay et al. 1980, 1983, 1985 to be used; Grey et al. 1992; Kà ¼ster and Hilton 1992; Curtains et al. 1993). PROCEED the human cancer of the breast cell form T47D originally by polarizing Urals Erguss of in  ¬Ã‚ one manufactured, ductal cancer of the breast (Horwitz et al. 1978) ltrating are. Washed for obligatory experiments cell-monomolecular films with 0.02% EDTA before treatment with 0.125% Trypsin in 0.02% EDTA for minute of 2 at 37 °C, introduction of the complete means before centrifugation with 200 g and Resuspension in the complete means. Iodination of Calcitonin is accomplished with 125 Iusinge the Chlorami n t method. For obligatory experiments T47D, which cells in the isotonischen buffer shifted, the Lachscalcitonin 125I-labeled are added, which is mixed with the different concentrations of the unlabelled Calcitonin, or correspondences and at 20 °C for 1 H. Nonspeci expenditure-bred  ¬Ã‚ C operation difficulty as the operation difficulty of the 125I marked Lachscalcitonin is determined in presence of the surplus (2  µg/ml) unlabelled Lachscalcitonin. Suggestion of Adenylate Cyclase into the intact T47D cells by Calcitoninentsprechungen is determined, by measuring production of the camp [3H] in the cells, prelabeled is also, adenine [3H]. Zellulare Atp laughter become by Ausbrà ¼tung with [3 H] adenine 2,8 (0,5-2  µCi/ml) for 2 h at 37 °C in 12 wohlen cultural plates in RPMI mark 16
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